Saturday 28 June 2014

34 Weeks Pregnancy Update

Can't believe I'm almost 8 months pregnant :O and I'm still working :D not for long though obviously, I've got 7 shifts left I think...I can't be sure though. And I had some good news the other day. Apparently I am still eligible for holiday hours even on maternity leave, so I have about 6 weeks of paid holiday. I think I'm just going to use the hours to top up my weekly pay, so maybe have like 20 until they run out :) But I think that's really awesome, I mean I can use all the extra pounds I can my wallet obviously, not on the waistline :D is the 34 week update. 
I look rough, there was a boat race on today on the canal, and since I work by the canal, we were expecting to be really busy. Also we opened at 9 rather than the usual 11 so I actually went to work at 8am :S 
And I took the photos before that, so it's really early....I had to have my coffee while doing my make-up...and I do my make up in the bathroom, so in reality I had my coffee in the toilet :D

I'm wearing my Michael Kors jeans....not maternity. They are fine for standing up, I do have to undo the button when I sit down though :D 

How far along : 34 weeks

Gender : Boy

Total weight gain : Gained half a pound this week. I am meant to be gaining half a pound to a pounds each week now. And if I am right then, at the end of the pregnancy I will have gained a healthy 25 pounds or so :) which is completely acceptable. Also...I don't know if I've mentioned this, but it's my birthday at the end of September and I'm going to be 26 :O ... So I'm really hoping that since I haven't gained any excess weight, I'm going to be pretty much in shape for the celebration. Also I think I might start extracting around 6 weeks after the birth, so D can help with the feedings, which means, that maybe we can leave the baby with a sitter for a few hours and go out for the first time after the birth :) But I guess I'll just see how it point making plans yet.

Cravings : Chocolate...WHYYYYYYYYY? why does it have to be something unhealthy :D why can't it be oranges and apples or something:D anyway, I'm trying to be as good as possible, but I have to have a bit of chocolate at least every day. 

Sleep: I have to turn a lot, because I do get weird pains now, when I stay in the same position for too long. Then there is leg cramps :D they wake me up...I wake up...I realise I need to pee...I pee...I try to find a comfortable position...I find it....2 hours later....not comfortable, another leg cramp, need to pee again :D But I guess that's all normal, it's just slightly annoying. Then again after 6 am I am usually able to sleep for at least 4-6 hours straight, given no one distracts me. Sometimes D gets up earlier than me for work, so when I do have a day off I take up the whole bed and sleep until 1 pm :D 

Stretch marks : That mark I found last week, did turn out to be just a mark from sleeping :D But I have been feeling this stretching pain just above my belly button. At least that's what I think it is. It really does hurt though. On the good note the nerve pains I had in my back have gone, so I guess I walked that one off :D 

Movement : Big Big movement. He has actually been pretty quiet today, and left me to it :D Most of the day he just sleeps I guess. But I can feel something poking out on my right hand might be an arm or a leg, I know it's a limb because when I gently push on it, he either pokes back or moves it away :) I've got my midwife appointment on Monday, so I'll ask the midwife what position he is in. Oh also...there are a lot of kicks in very close proximity of my bladder :D so I am actually scared that this will be the week...where I piss myself :D
I try to keep it under control by going to the toilet as often as I can, but sometimes at work I just don't...I really hope it doesn't happen at work :D maybe I should start carrying spare trousers on me...or start wearing tena lady :D 

Signs of labour: I don't think I have anything happening. I do feel bigger and I do feel like I am getting more ready emotionally, but no I don't really know what to look for, so...

Things for the baby: Next Saturday I am having a few girls over for a baby shower :) So I'm sure I will get a few things from there. Also D decided to do a big Mothercare order for diapers and I think it was a top and tail bowl, and a sleeping bag...or a swaddle? I can't remember what he told me :D The delivery is not here yet, so I'll find out once it gets here. Oh if I'm not mistaken, he got a fan that attached to either the bed or pram, which will probably be pretty useful :) If not for the baby...for me :D maybe even take it to the hospital for the labour...I think that would be pretty good :) 

Thoughts : Like I mentioned...I think I'm getting more ready now emotionally. I am amazed at how well my hormones have been though, throughout the pregnancy...I don't think I've turned into an emotional wreck or anything. I think it's thanks to the fact that I've actually managed to keep my life pretty much unchanged. I still work, I go out with my friends...and also D is pretty unemotional most of the times :D so it's kept me in tact. Then again...maybe I should've had made more changes to my life, because it's definitely(I only recently learnt how to spell that word, I'm quite proud of myself :D) going to change...BIG TIME.
But it's exciting...I mean I literally can't wait for him to be here. 

Preparations : I need to start packing the hospital bags about now time. So I need to get some things I will need for it. Like breast pads and maternity pads, also some slip-on slippers and a large t-shirt for labour. I need to get some underwear, because mine just will not fit the maternity pads :D And then pack the toiletries bag and have it ready, so I don't have to think about it when the time comes. 

Anyway, I am aware that we are still pretty unprepared for all of this...but can you ever be prepared enough...I don't think so. At the moment I think we are actually doing pretty good...I'm very proud of us :D 

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