Monday 3 November 2014

October Favorites

Good Evening, Everyone
Is it really the first of November :O???? I don't know why, but time has gone so fast. It honestly feels like it was summer yesterday. Maybe it's because the weather has actually been really lovely lately...there has been rain obviously, it's still England...but it's stayed quite warm. I'm pretty sure it was 20 degrees in the sun yesterday :)
It's sunny, but the leaves are getting orange and the grass is turning brown, so I know it's Autumn...I do like it though. I love that transition period between winter and summer.
The post won't be about weather though, as english as it is to talk about weather, I'll talk about my October favorites today :)

The first thing that I actually heard yesterday, is just so me, and it is a word :D And the word is ''shopping bulimia'' (it's two words :D I know) My friend told me this yesterday and I just love it. I don't know how many of us are affected by the shopping bulimia, but I definitely am :D It's basically going to a shop, picking up a lot of stuff, and then putting it all back. I always pick up a bunch of things and by the time I'm ready to leave, all of the things have found their way back to the rails, for who knows what reason. I do the same thing with online shopping...I find so many things, add them to the basket, and then close the site :D Does anyone else do that ? Would be good to know ...

Second thing is this Nursing tea. If you've been following my blog for a while now, you'll know that I've stopped breastfeeding and then started again and tried every single trick out there to find a way that will suit best for our family. And I think in process of that I kind of stopped producing enough milk to feed Oscar. So I decided I will try this tea, it has been voted the best breastfeeding support product three years in a row by all the voting mothers out there, so I figured it can't do any harm. It's all natural and contains fenugreek, which is meant to help with milk supply (on a side note though, there is no scientific evidence to prove it). I must say I think it really works though. I wanted to test it so I did start pumping again and I've gone from getting 30ml to 50ml with the morning pumping in a week, which might be because of the tea, placebo effect, or the fact that I'm double stimulating (breastfeeding and pumping). Whatever it is I'm going to continue drinking this tea, because if it is the tea that is helping me produce more milk then I why stop :) It doesn't taste all that great and it smells of aniseed(because it contains aniseed :D), which always makes me think of sambuca :S (I hate sambuca) but it's not revolting either :D And I ordered it from Amazon, but I'm sure you can find it from a health shop like holland&barrot or even boots maybe. It is quite expensive for a tea if you take it like that (about 5 pounds), but if you think of it as vitamins/medicine then it doesn't seem that bad :D

This next thing is something I actually waited to arrive in the UK shops. I had seen it on the Sephora website and just couldn't get it out of my mind. SO when I finally realized they are selling it on the last day of October I couldn't have been happier. Went and got it the next day :D
And it is the Urban Decay Vice3 palette. I just think the colours are just so beautiful. And with 20 to choose from I think it's definitely worth the 42 pounds :) On a side note I have never really gotten the whole Naked palette craze, the colours just haven't really exited me, but the Vice palette colours are just BEAUTIFUL :) they all have really cool names as well :D

I think I mentioned in one of the previous posts on how I love Christmas, because of the gift sets all the drug stores do. And I FINALLY got my permanent Boots card the other day, which kind of meant I was actually able to try the gift sets pretty much for free ( I have been collecting points on the paper one for about a year, so I had quite a few) It helped that they were 3 for 2. And I must say I love all of them. I got one skincare, one hair and one body set. So if you're thinking of what to get for your girlfriends, I highly recommend these. Maybe not the Simple one for face actually, because I think it might be too plain for Christmas :D I do like the brand though.
I won't go too much into detail about the products, I'll do a separate post instead because I got a few more things. So I guess the October Favorite is actually just the Christmas Gift Set part :) Go crazy guys, it's only Christmas once a year :D I'm actually not even a big fan of christmas presents, so why not treat yourself instead. Christmas for me is really now about good food and good company for example, last year I had all my greatest friends around for a nice party with lots of food and drinks (I drank non-alcoholic wine without anyone knowing, because we hadn't announced I'm pregnant yet :D)

And the last favourite of the month is red wine. It's something I've enjoyed for a very long time, and I enjoy the fact now that I can have a glass at night without any guilt :)
It might sound like I'm saying I like alcohol, and I really do :D It's my one vice...everyone needs one...right? And now that halloween is over the shops will be filled with Christmas products, which means there will be mulled wine :)

Hope you enjoyed the post.
There wasn't any fashion finds, as I'm trying to just get by with what I already have in my closet for now. I haven't worn most of my clothes for so long anyway because of the pregnancy, so most of them are just like new again :D (I did get a new hat though, because it's going to get cold at one point I'm sure)
Why don't you try the same for a month and you might be surprised on how deep your closet actually goes :)

That's all for todays post :)
Stay tuned, Everyone

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