Sunday 16 November 2014

Oscar Is 3 Months Old

What a months it's been. I feel like he has hit so many of his milestones this month that it actually feels like a year. He just changes every day, and every day brings some new experiences :) To be honest I think it has been one of the best months yet. From getting use to him being awake more often and settling into his own routine, to sleeping at night and... I don't know it's all kind of worked this month. I guess it's because I'm just that much more confident with what I'm doing and I have also settled into his routine. Basically it's been a great month and I can't wait to share some of it with you guys :)


This is the part that has completely changed in the last month. Last week Wednesday little Oscar decided that he won't breastfeed any more and will just cream at my breast :D It might sound funny now, but at the time I was just getting so frustrated about it. It actually happened overnight. I breastfed him during the night and in the morning he was just not having any of it. It was especially frustrating because I had just spent a week double pumping to get my milk supply up. At the end I just decided that I won't continue pumping either, because it's just so time consuming and he is absolutely fine with the formula. We are now solely using the Hipp Organic Infant formula milk. I prepare all the bottles and formula in the morning. We are using the MAM anti-colic bottles with a nr2 flow teats and I use the containers for breastmilk to store the right amount of formula for each feed :) At the moment he still eats about 150 ml. Which means I have 120ml room temperature water prepared in a bottle and then when the time is right I add 30 ml of boiling water (this makes it exactly the right temperature for him, because he does enjoy warmer milk rather than just room temperature. I also think warmer feeds help with the digestion and gas. We haven't had colic problems yet, I hope it stays this way. He does have gas every now and then, but he is more than capable of passing it with no medical (infacol, gripe water) help) Once I add the formula I have about 170 ml of milk which he rarely eats all of. But the last week he has been eating more frequently, which I think is because his stomach is going to stretch, which means he will eat more now and stays full for longer as least this is what I'm hoping :D We still have a few packets of the ready made infant milk, but he doesn't really like it anymore. I even use the powder at night...instead of boiling the water I just keep it in the thermos though. That is actually one of the things that I hope will change with him eating more....the night feeds. He still wakes up about 2-3 times during the night. And it's not really all that bad because usually he falls asleep eating, which means I have to be awake for about 20 minutes max but it's just the matter of preparing the bottles :D I just can't be bothered with it. 


He is now able to just entertain himself for a good half an hour without getting bored. I think this is one of the main parts I love about this age. Because I use to do all the house work and MY things while he was having a nap. But because he doesn't need me there at all times I can easily just get on with the things I need to do when he is awake, which means that when he does finally go down for a nap, I can spend that time solely on myself either having a nice lunch or writing the blog or whatever I feel like doing at the time :) 
He is really into the rattling toys with lots of colours and noises and textures. I hang one of them above him on the play gym and he just coos and gurgles at it and is able to full on grab and pull it now. It's so much fun to watch, because sometimes it looks like he is talking to his toys :D
He still enjoys lying down and playing, but I'm sure the time won't be far, where he just won't do it any more, and then we have to find another way for him. Another thing which I think goes under ''play'' is that I read books to him and show him the colourful pictures. I must say though that it doesn't really keep him entertained for too long :D I'll keep trying though. I don't read to him at bedtime because he likes a bit of peace and quiet before dozing off, but It's definitely something I want to start once he is older, because it's great for bonding, developing and calming :)


Oh, please start sleeping through the night, baby :D He doesn't. The longest stretch of sleep is still in the beginning of the night. He sleeps about 4-6 hours, depending how nice he is :D and then wakes up every 3 hours to eat. A bit has changed though. He goes to bed a bit earlier than he use to at around 7-8 rather than 9-10. And he usually sleeps for about 12 hours (this includes the feeds every 3 hours). Another thing that has changed is his daytime naps. He only has about 30 minutes after about 2 hours of awake time and one longer nap that usually happens around lunch time, but sometimes happens about 4-5 as well :)

I had the side up for his nap, but to be fair he usually has his naps in our bed :) and his is attached to it most of the time...always at night


watching tv on his 3 month birthday morning :D
He is getting sooooo tall. Definitely getting this from his dad. I haven't had an official measuring, but I've done my own and it looks like he is about 62cm, which is 7 cm longer than at his 6 week checkup (it was more like his 8 week check up really) I still need to weigh him, but I keep forgetting :D And he is now very comfortable at his 3-6 month old clothing. I can still fit him into the 0-3 month as well, but it's getting a bit tight and the sleepsuits with booties are getting very short for him...guess it's shopping time again
I actually started writing this post yesterday, but I'm glad I didn't finish it because he started rolling over yesterday evening. He was holding his head up for a longer period of time since the middle of this week. And yesterday I put his on his stomach to show D's family and he just rolled over :D It was so cool and happened so suddenly, I was expecting some kind of a struggle to get to this point, but noup, happened in a second :D The only thing now is that he just won't stay on his stomach and rolls over every time. He doesn't do it both ways, but he is already turning himself on the side when he is on his back so I'm thinking it will happen very very soon :)
Another thing that has happened very recently and actually quite suddenly is his voice has changed a bit and he is very very vocal now :D he just keeps oohing and aahing and does this scream :D it's all really cool. It's like he is getting a personality.
So he has actually hit all the milestones that he should hit by the end of this month at the beginning...the child is a genius :D

This is pretty much all I can remember now...:) Hope you enjoyed the post :)
Stay tuned

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