Wednesday 19 November 2014

Christmas Wish List

Good Evening, Everyone :)

It's not been about presents for me during Christmas for a very long time now. I do love this time of the year though...yes...I know it's only November, but if they have lit the Christmas lights in town, then I'm certainly allowed to talk about it :D 
I love Christmas, I hate how some people just make it so stressful for themselves by making it all about the presents. It's like some kind of a competition these days. Who gets more and who gets more expensive ones. Christmas trees get bigger just so the pile of presents will fit underneath it. And I don't think it should be about that. I think it should be about spending time with your family and friends. Why ruin it with stressing about weather you got the right present or not. 
I think we are quite lucky that O is still so small, that we don't have to think about getting him anything. Of course the time will come where we have to start the whole Santa Claus thing, because when you are a kid then it's really exciting and it's part of growing up. (My family is not religious by any means, but we have always celebrated Christmas)
It will be his first Christmas though, and even though he won't remember it, I want to make it special. This does include getting the decorations up and getting the tree and the whole feeling of Christmas with candles and lights :)
Our flat is quite small so it won't be too hard to decorate it, but I do have some essentials that I just think make it special...and this will be my Christmas wish's not presents, it's the decorations, that I will store and re-use year after year, and it will be kind of our first family tradition so to speak I guess. Getting the decorations out and having that first cup of mulled wine and gingerbread :) While the cinnamon scented candle burns and the tree lights twinkle in the background.
Getting too emotional with this story now :D so better get on with the list :)

1.First things first. The Christmas tree - as much as I would like to get a real tree (we always had a real tree when I was growing up) I'm not quite sure if it's something we will do this year just because I have no idea where to get it from :D and also the needles will start falling off and if they end up anywhere near O and his tiny grabby hands, all hell will break loose. So I think for this year we will get a fake Christmas tree, probably a 6ft one and just decorate it really nicely :)

2.Christmas scented candles - Cinnamon, gingerbread, pine, chestnuts, doesn't matter. The ones that I will be picking up are the ones that will instantly remind you of Christmas :) And since the days are getting shorter and shorter for now, I will need quite a few candles. Don't go overboard though. One scented in the middle of a few unscented plain cheap ones will do the trick. You don't want your rooms to smell like a candle shop :D

3.Christmas tree decorations - I'm all for the big packs of decorations, that will fill your tree. I am also all for getting a few special baubles and decorations, that will probably be a bit more expensive, but they will be that much more special, because they will be handpicked. I love the fact that there is a big Christmas market in the town centre, where people sell their handmade decorations. That is exactly where I would start my search for the decoration to last generations...or until it breaks :D

4.Wreath for the door - it's something you will only see when you come to the house, so maybe it's not really a necessity, but I think getting that Christmas feeling before you even enter your house is great. Don't get it when you live in a shady area, because it will probably just get stolen...

5.Christmas bedding - I'm not a kid anymore, but there is just something about getting in your Christmas themes bed and having a good snooze :D If you don't think getting a whole new set of bedsheets you can only use one season is a waste of money, get a throw instead...maybe in the fair isle pattern. It will cost less money and if you don't like it in the bedroom it can easily be moved to another room :) Nothing like snuggling into a comfy throw and watching Home Alone, while drinking hot chocolate.

6.Christmas napkins - No need to get a new set of plates and cups and glasses. A nice pack of Christmas napkins will go a long way in creating that feeling at the Christmas table. Last year I hosted a party for my friends and instead of spending a lot of money on crockery I spent about 10 pounds on Christmas themed paper plates and washing up. This year I won't do a party, and we will probably end up spending Christmas home with just the 3 of us. That means we will use normal plates and glassware (only me and D will need them obviously :D) so to make it more special I will probably get a table cover (I can use it year after year) but otherwise keep it simple :) 

7.House Decorations - This will all be kept very simple. I think the most important is the tree. I will have candles and maybe a Christmas throw. But the one thing I do love is the Christmas flower...I think it's called Pontensia???? something like that :D And it's a potted plant, that has red and green leaves. They only sell them during the Christmas period, and it's the perfect inexpensive way to make your home look christmasy :)

That is it for my list :)
Do enjoy this time of the only comes once. Don't ruin it by stressing about money and presents, there are other ways to celebrate. I mean, we are all grownups and know Santa Claus doesn't exist...why keep pretending :D

Stay tuned everyone :)

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