Friday 28 November 2014

3 Months Postpartum

Good Evening, Everone :)

In the light of Oscar turning 3 months old I figured it's time for my post partum update. I haven't done an update on how I'm doing after the birth in a long time, so I guess it's about time for it to happen.
Over all I am doing pretty great. I actually feel normal again and I think my body is getting used to the lack of sleep or shall I say the broken sleep. 

Some of it is completely my own fault, because I really should be going to bed earlier than I do. Oscar goes down at around 8-9 o'clock and I go to sleep about 2 hours after that. I could blame the fact that I take my shower then and then I have to sort out the bottles and formula for his night time feed, but it wouldn't be fair. In all honesty, all this can be done before he goes down for his night time ''nap'''s just that grown up time I can't give up. That few hours in a day when I don't have to take care of him. I quite like it, and I'm hoping he will start sleeping for longer stretches rather than me having to actually change my bedtime. 

I have now lost all my baby weight, or pregnancy weight, however you want to put it. I can easily fit into all my old clothes now, but I do feel the elasticity of my stomach has to improve somewhat before I can confidently wear a tight dress or a t-shirt again. I actually miss that I don't have to suck it in...loved that part of being pregnant :D I can easily fit into my size 6 zara jeans (size 2 for US) but I'm much more comfortable in size 8 (size 4 for US)
Ok so, I am actually doing something for my stomach to go back to where it was before getting preganant, not just talking about how I don't like the state I am in now. I am doing a lot of stand up excercises for my abs while I bounce O around, which makes them work even more, as he is my weight :D No excuses being unfit with a baby. And O loves the action anyway so I'm quite lucky in that sense. I also do excercises while I sit on the sofa with him. Half crunches while holding him magic I tell you guys, they really do :D Another thing I have noticed is my arm muscles...bouncing a 6kg baby for hours in a day will make you one strong mama. I am pretty sure I would be able to carry my weekly food shop bags for miles :D
The only thing I must say about all this strength and weight exercises is that my back is taking the toll. I could really do with a nice and painful deep tissue massage to relieve all the tension....maybe next year :D

I have also done a few changes in my diet. Now that I'm not breastfeeding I have stopped eating those extra calories I needed to produce the milk. I think I have gone to pretty much what I did before finding out I'm pregnant, which is having one big meal a day. 
I usually have a light breakfast. I have a yoghurt and a banana or a cereal bar if we don't have any fruit. 
It is very rare when I have a big lunch, or that I have lunch at all to be honest (I know I shouldn't do it, but lunch time passes without me even noticing it most days) The only time I do have a big lunch is when I make something for me AND D. Or if D is making lunch. In this case I keep my dinner light or I have whatever D is having, but a smaller protion.
Most of the days I do have dinner as my main meal though. And that happens around 6-7 pm. After that I snack on either some chocolate or I have some ice-cream. I do treat myself...I'm a woman...I need chocolate every now and then :D

The last thing is a bit of tmi, but hei, what the hell. When I was still breastfeeding I went on the pill that was safe to use during those days. Unfortunately the pill I was subscribed did not suit me at all. And when I say at all, I mean, at all :D I turned into a right old bitch...honestly. It made me so hormonal and not only was I a bitch to D I was also really moody and I even a bit depressed at times. It also made me bleed all the time. I only lasted 28 days and then stopped taking them. And now I can really say that I am much happier and I feel like I am in such a better place. Pills or any other form of hormone to prevent pregancy has never affected me in such way before. And I must say that if you have any history of hormonal problems before, steer clear of this pill called Cerelle. I do need to go see my gp again to get a different prescription, but I'm being incredibly lazy. And lets be honest ... if those pill would be 100 per cent effective, I would'nt have Oscar, so I'm in no rush :D

I think I have pretty much covered everything now :) 
Hope you enjoyed the post, or at least found it a bit informative :D
Stay tuned, follow my blog and leave some feedback :)
I would love some feedback, or maybe a post request
Until next time xoxo

I will try to add pictures. But the selfies just don't do it anymore, so I'll have my sister or my mom take them for me tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meril,

    I look forward to your posts on a daily basis. Maybe you can post a list of your favourite sites or blogs you follow and also maybe a list on sites where you found best information about pregnancy, young child etc.

