Monday 7 July 2014

Oh Hello Insomnia

Why? It's not like I slept a whole lot last night and did nothing all day. I had a busy 6 hour shift at work and felt tired by the time it was it's 3 am and I'm wide awake.
I went to bed around 12 and just could not fall asleep. D came about an hour ago, and fell asleep in 10 minutes, I'm so annoyed, but I couldn't stay still and kept turning, so figured I'll just get out of bed, before I wake him up as well.

And now here I am in the living room, reading what to pack for your hospital bag and looking at make up ??? 

I do follow a few blogs myself, I say follow, I kind of look at them every now and then. But I've noticed they all seem to pack so much for their hospital I missing something? Am I meant to pack 700 creams and outfits for the baby and thousands of other I staying there for 2 weeks or 2 days. 
Honestly girls, it's not like you're going to die when you don't have that third face cream.
Anyway I think over packing is completely stupid, I'm always in the mindset that if I have the necessary things then everything else can be brought to me or bought from the freaking corner shop for all I care. I'm not giving birth in another country so it won't be hard.
Even with long as I've got my wallet and passport, I'm set to go. If I forgot my toothbrush I WILL BUY IT. 

Obviously I know the hospital is not a shopping mall :D But I just don't get the need to over pack, I mean the most important thing is that you come home with a healthy baby. All these girls will probably even not use half of the stuff they packed, but now they've got a little screaming bundle of joy and 17 bags to one has time for that :D

Another reason why it's not that great that I can't sleep at the moment is that I actually have to get up quite early tomorrow, because we've got the parent education class in the hospital. We are taking the whole day one, where they will try to cram every knowledge possible in your head in 6 hours. And 6 hours is a long time...excpecially because it's looking like I will get a maximum of 2 hours of sleep tonight. And don't even try to say something in the lines of ''it's practise for all the sleepless nights'' 

For 12 years I went to school and had to get up early morning around 6-7 am and in those 12 years not once did I feel like ''Oh it's fine, I'm use to it now, so I won't set the alarm'' Sleep and waking up is really not something I can control :D Sometimes I get up early for no good reason and sometimes I sleep 13 hours straight. It's not something you can practise I don't think.
So I won't be practising 2 hour sleep nights any time soon, because I know it wont do me any good. 

And the last reason why it really really sucks, that I can't sleep that I'm actually exhausted. I feel tired and I just can't go to sleep. It really is the worst feeling :(

Here's hoping tomorrow wont be anything like today. Actually tomorrow is already today.....

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