Wednesday 10 December 2014

Morning Routine

Good Afternoon, Everyone!
I thought I'll share my morning routine with you guys. Everyone has their own little routine they do in the morning weather it's snoozing your alarm 8 times or having a poo :D yes I said ''poo''
But here is my routine, it might be a bit different to yours or you might find some similarities :)

This is what the sky looked today just before the sunrise :) So pretty and purple :D

7AM I wake up...ok, I'm being woken up by little hands and feet kicking me and pulling my hair :D I take Oscar next to me around 6 just so I can get another hour of sleep. He sleeps next to me anyway in his co-sleeper, but I take him in our bed for an hour or so because it settles him back for a nice nap.
(On days when D will take him in the morning this is the time I wake him up. Because O wakes up quite happy rather than crying and screaming D won't wake up because of him.)
I change his nappy in the living room.

This is how I've set up the changing ''station'' in the living room. D orders the diapers and wipes online and the delivery came last week, which explains the boxes on the side. The whole chest of drawers is for Oscar...his clothes and medicine and papers and all that jazz.

Oh hello Christmas tree :D yes it's now part of my morning routine to look at the pretty it's hard to miss it now because it's the first thing you see when you get to the living room.

We then go to the kitchen and I will make a coffee for myself and prepare Oscars bottle while I hold him and talk him through what I'm doing....I know this might sound a bit silly, but he really enjoys watching and listening to what I'm doing.

I either have costa americano coffee or kenco Colombian...I have my coffee with 2 sugars and a bit of milk :)

While we watch some morning tv and lounge on the sofa I drink my first coffee of the day and once I'm done it's usually time for Oscars feeding.
8AM - I feed Oscar, burp him and then put him down on his playmat. He is then quite happy to entertain himself for a good 30 minutes. 
While he plays I wash his bottles from the night and morning feed and make myself another coffee.
But before I drink it I wash my face and teeth :) I use the Simple kind to skin products. I do have to say though that I don't really like the wash...I know it's soap free and that is the reason, but I like my face washes to be a bit more foamy :D

I only use the cleansing lotion at night when I take off my make up. The toner I use in the morning as well :) And I also have the cream, but I keep forgetting to use it :D

Then I go join O on the floor. I sit on the rug and drink my coffee and play with him until around 9.

9AM - Oscar goes down for his morning nap...this is usually when I have a shower in the morning, but I only have a shower in the morning when I'm going somewhere. Otherwise I have showers before going to bed at night.
Sometimes I only wash my hair in the morning, because my hairdryer is in the bedroom I can't dry my hair at night because O is asleep then and if I don't dry my hair and go to sleep with wet hair I will have an afro in the morning :) true story
10AM - Oscar wakes up and I change his diaper and change him out of his pyjamas...I forgot to mention that O has his poo in the morning around his first feed...either after or during :D
I then put him down on his mat again until I prepare the washed bottles with water and measure out the formula.
We are going to start introducing some solids to him once we get some plastic/rubber cutlery so we have the Hipp organic baby rice there. I opened it just to see what it looks like :D
I also give him his vitamins with his morning feed

Sometimes if he is being good I take him to the bedroom and he will be entertained by our crazy bedroom light until I dry my hair (This is when I've had a shower or when I've just washed my hair)
If not I usually just sit next to him again and have some's usually a yogurt. Or I leave him and put on a bit of make up. If he is having a fussy day I do my make up sitting next to him as well.

11AM I feed Oscar again and then wash his bottle and fill it up with fresh boiled water.
I've got a bit of an OCD when it comes to dirty dishes in the sink, and I kind of have to do them once the dish count hits 3 or so :D I definitely need them done before I go to bed, because I hate waking up to a sink full of dirty dishes...I wish I had a dishwasher, this way I could just hide them :D
And then morning is over and it's time to do daily things...they obviously depend on the day. If I have nothing planned for the day I go for a walk with Oscar around 12 :) 

Hope you enjoyed reading about my morning routine.
Stay tuned

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