Wednesday 1 October 2014

No Time

This is not going to be an excuse post if that's what you thought looking at the title. It's just going to be a post about the weekend and a little update of what has been happening :)

First things first. It was my birthday on Friday, but it didn't really feel like a birthday, because we were going out on Saturday. On Friday though we went for dinner with D and birdie to a local italian restaurant then came home and watched some tv. I went to bed at 10 :D I did get some beautiful flowers though from D and from my friends so that was nice :)

On Saturday I got up really early to go meet my friend, who was coming down from London :) I took birdie with me as well, but he was so well behaved I hardly noticed he was there :D
We had a glass of champagne and then did a bit of shopping. (I'll do another post on the things I got :))

And in the evening we headed out for a few drinks.
It felt really weird leaving O at home (D's sister and her boyfriend were babysitting for us). Again he was really well behaved though, fell asleep 10 minutes after we left and actually didn't get up again until 2am (we got home at around 12). It was probably because he was so tired from the day. We did have a few people coming round to ours as well before we left, so O was passed down from person to person for a good hour...he really likes people though, so it's all good :) I did get a cake as well :) D's brother keeps calling me Merilin, so if you think they have made a spelling mistake, then no, its his idea of a joke :D

The place were we were meant to start out(Marco Pierre White)was packed when we got there, and they were actually not even letting people in, so we went to the good old Pennyblacks downstairs and had a really good time. I managed to have my margarita as well :) Then went to another bar, where I only had a coke and headed back home.
We didn't want to leave Oscar for too long the first time. It's good to know that we can though, and it was pretty nice to get out and be a grown up :)

My friend from London didn't leave until Sunday evening, which we spent in town doing a bit more shopping. We also met up with a few more friends for dinner. After dinner y friend Jo got her train and D went to the gym  while me and my other 3 friends ventured to Carluccios for a coffee and dessert (I just had coffee). I got home about 8pm and me and O were completely and utterly tired from the whole weekend. I think he just needed some quiet mommy time, which is probably why he fed for a whole hour and a half. Then again he slept pretty much through the night only waking up once for a quick feed around 4-5am.

And now it feels like he is not sleeping at all. He has been so fussy for 2 days I think he is actually missing the action. Hopefully he will be better tomorrow, so I can finish another post and upload it :)
In the meantime, why not read my older posts :)

Have a good evening, everyone and stay tuned

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