Tuesday 13 January 2015

5 Months Postpartum

Hello, Everyone :) I think it's about time I did my postpartum update as I haven't done one in a very long time. I'll go over everything that I missed in the past few months as well. There isn't that much though. I have kind of mentioned my progress at Oscars monthly updates, so if I mention something I've already mentioned, then I'm sorry. But I guess it's better to talk about something twice than forget about it altogether :D I will warn you though, that unless you are interested in this kind of information or you are just curious, going through it yourself...it is an honest depiction of things, so be aware of that :)

This is me almost 5 months postpartum :) 

The jeans I'm wearing are a size w27 and they are Miss Sixty. The grey sweater is just a basic from H&M

I think the one thing most women are most worried about after birth is how to lose the weight. I gained 12 kg/26.4 lbs during my pregnancy and now I have lost 14 kg/30.8 lbs. I didn't do anything special to lose the weight, so I might be lucky or it might just be that easy. I must admit, I am trying to eat in moderation and I am making sure that my portion sizes are not too big. But I haven't given up on having sugary snacks or greasy food (occasional pizza and take away :D). I also think that I am probably in better shape than I was before getting pregnant and it's all thanks to the little chub chub Oscar :D He is a little attention seeker and likes to be carried around and bounced and swished through the air. This means I am getting a good daily workout just by taking care of him and making sure he is happy :) Also I think I have my age on my side, being still in my 20s and all that :) 

My waist is about 4 cm wider than before pregnancy, even though the weight is lower. And My abs are not really where they use to be :D Can a baby move your muscles around :D ??? It's probably not as crazy of a thought as I think it is.

I think I have also fully recovered now, ok I was pretty much back to normal at my 3 months postpartum mark. I do have to mention a part of post birth that I'm not the biggest fan of. And it's the leaking bladder :D I will be the first one to admit I never really took doing the kegel exercises seriously and I will be the first one to admit I should have. It's nothing uncontrollable, I mean you won't be able to tell, but I do have to use liners every day, just in case. I'm sure it will pass in time, but if you are pregnant and are probably tired of hearing everyone telling you to them...DO THEM :D I don't know if it helps, but it definitely can't hurt. I'm sorry if I've been a bit too open about the subject, but I'm thinking, better be honest, I'm sure I'm not the only one with the problem.

Another annoying thing that has happened, is losing my hair. I think it's because the lovely pregnancy hormones have now worn off :( And I find my hair everywhere...EVERYWHERE. So that is why I need to get a haircut...sooner rather than later. This also goes for my nails...I mean they are not falling off :D but they are less strong than they were during the pregnancy. So to avoid it getting any worse I am actually taking antenatal vitamins :D I had some left over, so I'll finish them and then continue with the breastfeeding vitamins instead, even though I'm not breastfeeding anymore.

Breastfeeding takes me to another topic, and it's boobs. It started out extremely painful to feed Oscar and at day 5 it was so horrible I made D get me a breastpump, just so I can get a rest. And from then on I pumped for about 2 weeks only breastfeeding him once or twice a day and then started breastfeeding more often with the help of nipple guards, which I managed to wean off eventually. At 3 months mark Oscar decided it is much too hard to breastfeed and much easier to feed from a bottle so I had to stop. I did keep trying for a few days with no luck and then I just stopped. I also thought about pumping for his feeds but in the end I decided that it's just too time consuming.

I also have pretty bad back pain, but I'm thinking that it's more because of lifting Oscar all the time, rather than side effects from the epidural.

Enough of the shitness though. Yes I don't think it's a real word either, but the other word I thought of was boo boos :D so...

I think I did mention it before that I stopped taking the contraception pill, because the one subscribed to be made me a complete bitch :D I mean my hormones were all over the place and it also made me bleed constantly, so it completely threw off my period. I haven't gotten another subscription for a different pill for now, but it is something I'll do once we move to the new house and I've got a new GP. I have a tiny hatred towards my current medical centre...it's really far and usually the waiting room is filled with strange people :D

All in all I feel pretty great in myself, and even though it does take a long time to recover from birth, it's absolutely worth every twinge and pain. And my god there was a lot of pain :D

Now I'm writing this post I have probably forgotten a few important things I wanted to mention :S I need to remember to make a note to make notes :D

Hope you enjoyed the post or at least found it a bit informative as to what to expect after birth :)
Stay tuned

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