Tuesday 16 September 2014

Oscar Is One Month Old

What a month it has been. It seems like time has flown by, weirdly enough, since I thought days would drag. I won't linger long on that subject though...
I'll go through his little establishments for his first month now.

But first here is Oscar...1 month old :) He is not amused. Not a big fan of that swing :D

We have now got an idea of how days look like, which is great and gives us more chance of planning our days around him. He is definitely more awake during the days now, which makes me think that we really should get the play gym, because there is only so long he is interested in our hands :D

He feeds every 2-3 hours during the day, which gives at least an hour every now and then for me to do things I need to do around the flat.  I am still feeding him breast milk and formula (we are using the Hipp Organic infant milk). The main difference is that I am trying to breastfeed him as often as I can now. And I am using the Medela nipple shields to do so. It can get annoying having to put them on, but I figured, it's better to have him on the breast with the shield rather than not at all :)

He also seems to have 2 sets of longer sleep these days.
He sleeps for a good 2-3 hours after his 1pm feed, and then 3-4 hours after the 9pm feed. I'd much rather him take the longest stretch of sleep after the 1am feed, but I guess you can't have it all :D And I stay up during that sleep as D will go to sleep earlier so he can do the morning and give me a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. The rest of the naps during the day are quite short...usually just around an hour, and about 2 hours at night.
It is quite weird though, that he has already established a daytime nap and night time sleep. Clearly ahead of his time. D does keep saying he is a week older than he is because he was a week overdue :D I don't think that's how it works though.
nother thing I will try to do is put him down in his crib (co-sleeper) for one of the mid day naps, just so he would get use to it. But I'm a bit vary of doing it now, because we don't have the monitors and when I'm in the other room I can't hear his little cries...I'm paranoid I know...what can you do :D
So once we get the monitors I'll start practising that.

Another thing I'd like to mention is that I am planning to get him a book at every month mark. So once it's time for bedtime stories we will have a good variation :) It's something I will definitely be doing....bedtime stories. I think it's just a great bonding thing and it's also really good for his development :) And a great part of bedtime routine. This month I got him this cute little thing :) It has a little finger puppet to help him engage :)

We are still not giving him a bath every night, so I just give him a so called sponge bath in the nights between the bath nights...so he does get clean :D I do want to start daily baths very soon though, we just need to start planning them a bit better. The thing is that I would want him to have it just before his long night sleep at 9-10pm, but D goes to sleep around that time :D because he wakes up early morning to take care of him for a few hours so I can get a few hours of sleep.

So my health visitor never turned up to weigh him, but I did do it myself. It's obviously not as accurate as the baby scale would be, but it gives us a chance to at least make sure he is gaining weight. SOOOOO according to our scale he is now 4.1 kg :) which is about 9lbs :) He now has also grown completely out of the newborn things that are for up to 3.5 kg babies...obviously. And is wearing the mid size and also 0-3 month size clothes.
He now also smiles so much :) and it's so cute. And his movements are a bit less jerky, he still twitches a lot in his sleep, but so does D :D so I don't think it has anything to do with age.
Another thing that seems to grow at a speed to fast for me to keep up are his nails :D I seem to have to cut them every other day just so he wouldn't scratch himself or mainly me, because he is very handsy when he's breastfeeding.

These are the main things I can think of now :)
We had a little celebration of our own as well :D I had half a glass of red wine and D had some weird stuff :D And we had some chocolate cream cake...just a bit...a few spoonfuls. And D surprised me with a cool picture frame...one of those with 12 little places to put his monthly pictures in for a year :) We just need to develop some.
So all in all it was a really great day, even had a candle on his cake.

He is already in his pj's because we managed to give him a bath, plus it was actually quite late....it's a miracle D was able to stay awake that long :D

You can see the Incy Wincy Spider book on the table :D 

Hope you guys have enjoyed your month as well, but had more sleep than us :D
Stay tuned

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