Tuesday 10 November 2015

Easy DIY Christmas Centerpiece

Good Evening, Everyone :)
Tonight I am sharing an easy and affordable Christmas/Festive centrepiece you can make with things you probably already have or can get very easily. Hope you enjoy and give it a go.

Things you need

1. Some pinecones ( I got mine from Homebargains, they were in a massive bag called poupurri (I beg to differ) :D they don't have any scent to them but they were £2.99 and I got them for the reason of using them as decorations anyway rather than use the pack as poupurri. You can definitely just go and pick them yourself...unfortunately I couldn't find any pine trees....ANYWHERE...
2. Small baubles ( the ones I used are from John Lewis and they were £5.99 if I remember correctly...I probably don't as I bought them over a month ago)
3. flat ornaments. I picked out these silver star tree decorations from Homebase and they were £2.99 for a pack of 20 (maybe they were £3.99)

4. A big dinner plate
5.A candle ( This amazing candle is from TkMaxx and it was only £7.99 :O You don't get much better than that I think) 
You can also use a simple white (or whatever colour you like) because the garland/centrepiece itself is already quite festive.

Honestly I'm not too good at remembering prices as I've just realised. But it's because none of these things were expensive. I'm sure I would remember paying £20 for Christmas tree decorations :D

And then what you do is just place the candle in the middle of the plate and arrange all the decorations around it :) It's so simple and it's just beautiful. I do like long centrepieces, but I also like having food on the table during Christmas dinner, so I think something beautiful just at the centre of the table does the trick. 

Hope you enjoyed this little Christmas post....I know it might be too early for some. But if you have a child or children or dog or donkeys you just find that planning your time and doing things ahead of time saves you a lot of stress later :)
Let me know what you think and if you're going to try some diy Christmas decorations yourself :)
And as always stay tuned. Tomorrow I will share another vegan recipe by Jo :)

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