Tuesday 17 March 2015

Oscar is 7 months old

Good evening, everyone :)
This month just flew by. I don't know weather it was because Oscar was being a little sweetheart or it's because there has been a lot going on, but it seems that the month was shorter than usual :D Or maybe it's because the days are getting longer and brighter and nicer and there for I am happier and nicer and better at dealing with everything life being a mother throws at me...I mean throw it at me, I can do this shit.

All and all this month has brought us a lot in the baby field. Oscar just seems to be more of a human. He laughs and smiles and talks and squeals (This is his favourite way of communicating :D)and something we kind of always seemed to miss, but have definitely witnessed this month is him moving about.

He can now turn on his stomach, depending on which side he finds things that interest him and he can also move backwards very well. I mean very well, he has mastered the backwards crawl :D He can also kind of move forward if he is on a soft surface. It needs to be soft because his way of getting forward involves him smashing his face/head down and then pushing forward :D He also uses the half way flip over to get about. All in all he is just very good at moving... definitely can't leave him on our bed unattended for more than a few seconds. And when he is on the floor playing in the living room and I leave...9 out of 10 times I come back a minute later with him squealing of either joy or frustration under the sofa with only his head sticking out :D Just like that :D

I have kind of started on giving him 3 meals now as well. But he has been on two solid meals a day for a good 2 months. The 3rd meal that I have started is the lunchtime meal. I am just not quite sure what to give him :D So I chose this time to start finger food and little bits and bobs that he can pick up himself rather than me feeding him. I think this is probably the best time for it as he is usually happy and rested and ready for action and new things. He has tried bread and little cheese and tomato and raspberry puffs. He doesn't like anything slimy :D Like a banana or a slice of avocado, he will pick up and then put it down in disgust :D he doesn't mind the taste though. He just doesn't like the feel of them in his hands :D He also has water in a sippy cup as a drink on the side of his solid meals :)

He has every solid meal sitting in his high chair (I'll link the OXO tot one as an amazon app, if you want to check it out :))I chose this chair over the Stokke Trip Trap that I initially wanted to get as it just looks more kid friendly and just like the trip trap I can convert this to a toddler chair, which was one of the main points. I figured that if I'm going to spend this much money on a chair it should at least last us for a good few years :)

Another change I have made in his food this month was that I switched from the creamy baby porridge to weetabix with almond milk. And I have also cut down on using the Hipp Organic/Ellas Kitchen fruit puree pouches. Instead I bought massive packs of frozen blueberries and raspberries and I use them in the weetabix porridge :) This just means I know exactly what goes in his little tummy and it's also a lot more cost effective :D 
Like I said earlier, this month has been a very packed month. I decided to plan more and do more. So now I plan our meals with D and also Oscars. Most days he just has whatever we have, because I try to be quite thoughtful in what we have for our meals and make sure we are healthy. This just makes life a lot more easier and efficient. We have our dinner together sitting at the table now, which I was really looking forward to doing :) I just think it sets the right tone for the evening ahead. 
Another thing why I like that Oscar is already having what we are having is that it will probably make the transition of having food easier. It should also be good for making him like food and not becoming a fussy eater.

I got this planner from Amazon and it was only like 5.99 :) the good thing about it is that it has magnets at the back, so it's perfect for the fridge.

He still eats milk, but those feeds have definitely decreased. He will now have about 100ml max and has a milk feed around every 4-5 hours. Apart from the night feed. He still gulps down the whole 200ml :D I don't know if it's because he is actually hungry because he does last a good 5-6 hours after his last feed, or because he usually falls asleep during feedind and just does it in his sleep. But he still eats it and I still give it for him. I'm not sure if I have mentioned this, but I make his milk warm. I even do this during the night by having hot water in the thermos. And I think that one way of getting rid of the night feed in time is to stop doing this, as he really does not like cold milk :D 

And the night feed brings us to the night time :) He sleeps a lot better these days. He fusses a lot still, but because we have the camera, we can just see that he is very good at putting himself back to sleep. Something we didn't really know before getting the baby monitor, as I used to run every time he made a noise.  The camera just gives a lot of confidence in having him upstairs. He actually notices the camera as well, which is quite funny at times. And I know that I have to go up when he looks at the camera and won't close his eyes, as this is my cue, he is awake and needs attention :D
He still sleeps in the co-sleeper next to our bed. And this month I have been so good and completely stopped taking him next to me at night. I used to do this when he would fuss before his feeding time, to make him last a bit longer. Because he is just so active and won't stay put even when he is asleep, we would both be uncomfortable if I would take him. Plus he doesn't need it :) Which is great for me, as I do feel like I get a better night sleep now. I have also noticed that I have grown a bit deaf to his little cries during the night :D Which in result has given me a few tiny heart attacks when I have woken up and he has managed to flip himself over and is sleeping with his face smothered in the mattress :D Obviously not completely. He did start sleeping on his side quite early and now is going that bit further with it and sleeps on his stomach every now and then. Freaked me out the first time he did though.

Since the days do seem longer I have managed to go out for walks a lot more. And he is just so different now. He likes to sit up and look around and be a little charmer when old ladies start talking to him :D We also went on out first swim session in the swimming pool the other day, and he absolutely loved it :) He was squealing and splashing about and just loving every second of it (unless he inhaled some water...then he wasn't really happy :D)And since I have signed up to use the pools for 3 months, this will definitely be something we will continue doing and hopefully with a little help he will learn to swim sooner rather than later. D still can't swim and he is over 30 :D 
Because he needs so much more attention and stimulation I have also signed up for sensory classes, which should be interesting. I'm still in the waiting list though, which is slightly annoying. Mostly because they have these classes in different locations, but my unability to drive means I could really only go to the one that is closest to our house. I could take a taxi or the bus and venture a bit out, but I'm still a bit vary of that option. I'll let you know what I'll decide :)

Size wise I am not quite sure how much he weighs or how tall he is, I will get that checked at the baby clinic on Wednesday. I think he is around 9 kg. He is now wearing 9-12 month clothes. He still fits in a few 6-9 month ones, but they are becoming slightly too short for him now.

I'll shortly go over his daily routine and then that will be it I think :) Tomorrow I will continue with the baby theme and do his nursery update as another patch of furniture has arrived :)

06.30AM - wakes up (this time doesn't change. Either we put him down at 7pm or 9 pm, we tried :D)
08.30AM - First milk feed of the day and then he goes down for a nap (So do I, I can't do 6am morning :D)
10.00AM - We wake up and then have breakfast. 
12.00PM - Milk Feed and short nap
14.00PM - lunch time. Fingerfood and sppy cup
16.00PM - milk feed and somewhere here, he has a longer nap.
18.00PM - dinner time. We all have dinner at a table :)
19.00PM - Bath time and little play before bed
19.30PM - bed time and last milk feed in bed

Hope you enjoyed the post. I tried to write down everything that I can remember for the reason that I will then have somewhere to refer back to when I need to :) Hopefully it was also a bit useful. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask :) I'm no expert, but will give advice based on my experiences.
Also I will be travelling with him for the first time in a few months. So I have a question for all you formula feeding mummys. How do you do it the airport and plane, with all the liquid restrictions??

Stay tuned everyone :)

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