Friday, 12 September 2014

Healthy Happy Life

If you've been following my blog from the start you might know that I used to be quite healthy and my job also kept me quite active. A few weeks before giving birth though I kind of lost track of all things that are good to me.

I blame not gaining too much weight, because when I had 3 weeks left and I still had 2.5 kg to go to reach that minimum healthy weight gain...I decided it's time to start treating myself....with LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of chocolate. I figured that once I give birth I will just loose the appetite for chocolate. I am so stupid :D 

So now 4 weeks later I have decided it's about time to get back on track with healthy clean eating, especially because I'm breastfeeding ( I have been breastfeeding a lot more these days and in return we have a much more contented baby :) I don't know if it's actually because of breastfeeding, or because he doesn't have that much gas any more :D

I started today at my 4 week postpartum mark. The thing is that I don't actually have to change all of my eating. Our dinners are still pretty healthy and mostly home cooked. Dinners are also the only meals me and D have together because we wake up at different times, and D actually only has a protein shake for breakfast usually anyway. My breakfast is also quite healthy. It's usually porridge or I will have a yogurt and a banana or something. The problem is what happens between breakfast and dinner and sometimes after dinner as well :D

I do tend to snack a lot more these days, and not on healthy things like fruit and carrots. SO the snacking will stop...not completely, I will still try to have at least 3 healthy snacks during the day, but it won't be a chocolate bar or a croissant or a doughnut or SUGAR at all unless it's fruit.

To make it harder for me to quit and just eat the cupboards empty of chocolate I will keep track of my progress. I will add the updates to my postpartum posts and then do a little separate update on Oscars progresses and news :) or at least that is the grand plan. I might do his on Fridays though, because it's more of his day than mine :D and then do my postpartum and healthy life update post on Saturday. Or I might go on to doing his every month now, rather than every week...I'll think about it. 

So stay tuned and check out the start stats on the 4 week update post. I will upload just my update today and do Oscars on Monday, because he will actually be 1 month old then :O which is absolutely crazy. How have I survived with no sleep for a whole month :D hahaha :D
Anyway here's to apples and carrots :D 

My vegrack is ready for it :D

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