Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Baby Questions!???

As new parents, me and D are constantly on the Internet checking every single thing and then checking it twice and and third time and then discarding everything we've just read and kind of just go with our instincts instead :D

It's amazing how much information there is out there. But in the end I've come to realise, that if I need to find something, it will be out there in every single form. One website will tell you one thing and the other thing will tell you another...I just can't keep up. So lately I have actually stopped getting flustered and instead I've tried to find my own way. I try to interpret his cries to figure out what he needs/wants and just going with my mother instincts. I think what they say it's true...you do just know sometimes and it's an amazing feeling when you get it right :D But let's be honest, sometimes you get it wrong, but it's fine. I guess if you start the day out with one child and end it with one (the same one :D) then you've probably done an alright job :)
But there are still questions I need answers to. But they are more on the lighter side of seriousness #notascrazy :D

First one is the PLAY GYM!????
Oscar is getting to the point where he is awake much more during the day, and thus needs more stimulation. So instead of keeping him in the swing all the time, we figured a play gym will be a great place for him. It's also great for tummy time, which we are doing on 3 layered blankets at the moment, because we have laminate flooring :D
I just don't know what to look for. I know Fisher-Price is really good, but then again I think Skip Hop play mats are much nicer in a sense they will not clash with the room so much, but still seem to have all the goodness that a play gym needs....I just don't know.
Any recommendations?? Is there even any point of getting one??

Little O is only a few weeks old and doesn't really grab any toys just yet. We have 3 by Lamaze, but he gets bored of just looking at them. The most favourite one at the moment is the Cloud B sheep on the go :D but I think it's more of our favourite, because the ocean sound just calms him down and puts him to sleep much faster...only downside...it is very calming and makes us sleepy as well :D
Is there any age appropriate toys we can get him right now, or should we just leave it. I don't want to keep him from developing all the necessary skills just because he hasn't had the right toys. Is that even possible??? I just don't know.

I think this sheep was made by rainbow pooping pink ponys...it is amazing :)
(I got mine from amazon and only paid about 20 pounds. It's about 35 on the high street)

This is the one I'm kind of not really worried about, but it would still be nice to know. We have a bath from Mamas&Papas, that is suitable from birth, and it really is great. The only thing is that the newborn insert thing is quite high up in some places and rather low in the others. So when his tummy is in the water...so are his ears. I don't think his ears should be in the water, but If I lift him higher up, his tummy will be out of the water. From my experience, if a part of my body is out of the bath, I'm cold. He seems content and happy, but I'm just scared he is cold even though the water is warm. Am I just over thinking it???

Will he forget me if he sleeps for too long ??? Hahaha... I'm just kidding. I just ran out of questions. There will always be questions obviously, but I just can't think of any at the moment.
Comment below on what you think, and if you've had any crazy moments where you think you know nothing :)

And as always, stay tuned :)

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