Friday, 5 September 2014

3 Weeks Postpartum Update

Every time I start these update  posts I think I will be really good all week and do a post every day. But believe it or not, days just seem shorter these days. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day any more. And quite frankly I have so much to write about every day, but it would all be baby related because I don't find much time for myself any more. I'm sure it's bound to change but for now since Oscar is still so little and still needs A LOT of attention all the time, every minute is spend on him and I'm ok with that.

Today is actually the day when we are going to register him...eeek :) Then it will all be official. Funny thing about it all is that little O will have an English passport... I have an Estonian passport and D has a French one :D I'm sure travelling is going to be such fun :D

But back to this post...3 week update. Not a lot has changes with me to be honest. I haven't lost any more weight which I'm ok with as they do say the last few pounds are the hardest to get rid of. And it has only been 3 weeks. The other day I actually had a glimpse of my abs and I didn't think I will be able to see those for at least another 3 months so there is definitely progress.

There is an update on the dreaded stretch marks though. I have them now. I actually got them after the pregnancy and they are on my left boob (there might be some small ones on the right one as well, but I haven't found them yet). It's actually quite annoying and it happened with the engorgement. I'm not quite sure why but my left boob seems to produce more milk, so it gets filled a lot more. And it looks bigger as well, and when I say bigger it's probably a whole cup size bigger. I've tried to get my right one to produce more by pumping it more often, but it doesn't seem to work. I call it my lazy boob. Fortunately for me I only flash my boobs at home so no one else can see the marks :D
There is a lot of boob action all the time...still not confident enough to breastfeed in public though, but I'm sure if I'd need to I would. I'm actually sick of boobs. It all revolves around boobs these days lol.

The most important thing that has happened though in the last week is that O now sleeps longer during the night. So if we plan it right during the day I only have to wake up once a night now :)

I do the last feed with him at 12 am or at 1 am then change his diaper and put him in his sleepsuit. We don't give him a full bath every night (we'll try to do it every other night for now). In between those nights I usually just give him a quick wash in the sink after his last poo. He really enjoys water. He is super calm in the bath as well, which I was really worried about because I remember my little brother screaming his head off during his first baths  :D
But O just loves warm water :) We actually put a towel in the bath as well so it would be more comfy for him.

I make it sound like it's all really easy and to be honest apart from the fact that it all takes a lot of hours during the day it really is quite easy. The only hard part is when he starts fussing and he's been doing it a lot over the last couple of days. He just doesn't seem to want anything except to wiggle and fuzz :D And we just have to be ok with that because there is not much we can do about it. But it does get a bit annoying. And because he is sleeping more during the night he is now more awake during the day and the day time naps are shorter which we now have to get used to.

Little O also decided not to be so little any more :D He has grown out of all his newborn and 0-1 month clothes. The thing is that he is in that awkward phase where he can't fit into the smallest size but is still too small to fit into the bigger size. Fortunately Mothercare does a size that fits in between there (small baby, up to 10lbs), so I've had to buy a few outfits for him to get through the days.
Baby clothes sizes are stupid really. You have 0-3 moths, which means it's really for 3 month olds and then 3-6 months. And in between that you don't really have a lot of options :D I'm sure we'll survive though, even if I have to cut off the bottom parts of his little all-in-ones....his legs are really long :D

And that's about it for this weeks update. I'm sure I've forgotten to tell yo guys about loads of things but I can blame it on mommy brain now :)

This is what I look like 3 weeks post birth :)
I can finally close my jeans without struggle...anazing :D It feels weird to pull my trousers up now time to time as I walk around. I might even need a belt lol

 Nothing wrong with a little selfie :D 

 Hope you enjoy my ''just woke up'' face and hair. And also the mess in the backgroun :D 

And this is little Oscar, 3 weeks old in one of his new outfits. It's a two piece from Mothercare. And I love the fact that it has a hoodie, because none of the hats really fit his head :D He has changed so much. He came out looking like mini D, but he is definitely looking more like me now...I think. My grandma actually said that it's good luck for the sons to look like their mothers :)

Little scrunchie. He likes to curl up like this every time I try to take a photo :D 

On that note I'm off to attend to my baby. And hopefully I will find time for more posts this week :)
Stay tuned, everyone :)

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