Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Weekly Eats

This post is actually mostly food I had last week, because it's only Tuesday. And it was the week where D was away so I tried to be healthy and good, because I only had to worry about my own dinners. 

We did go to GBK yesterday though after my whooping cough vaccination. 

This is what I always have :D The bunless taxidriver with coleslaw and corn (I do sometimes have a salad). D decided to go for the same burger as well, he always goes bunless as well.
And we also shared a side of sweet potato fries. 

That was our lunch, and for dinner he made some chicken drumsticks in the oven and a fresh salad. I was still full from the lunch though, so I only had 1 drumstick and just a bit of salad. I get fuller so much quicker these days...I think it's because there is just not a lot of room in my stomach anymore. Plus just before dinner was ready I finished off my strawberry milkshake I got from GBK :D  

If you follow me on Instagram you'll know my friend finally managed to visit me and got me a housewarming present. I have lived in this flat for 4 months now :D soooooo....she really took her time. I can't really say anything though, as I still haven't managed to visit her.

This is what she got me though :)

It's an Estonian tradition to bring salt and bread as a house warming present. So she got me a nice mozzarella and onion twist and this crazy smoky flavour salt. Also a lime, mint and lemon flavor sparkling drink :) Non-alcoholic obviously :)

And then we cooked dinner. It's another bunless burger, but between that and yesterday there was 4 days, so It's not as bad in reality. Plus I need to get my iron levels up, so having red meat is good for me. 

We both had 2 burgers each and then Merit made a nice side of tomato, avocado and onion salad and I fried some mushrooms in garlic. 
I didn't manage to finish the whole portion, but it was so nice, and the weather was so warm, we had it in the courtyard.

Since we had been pretty good with the dinner, we treated ourselves with these amazing Lemon tarts. They are ready made, I just added some blueberries to mine ( always get organic blueberries, because they are the main berry to be covered in pesticidesif they are not organic). Merit also added a dollop of creme fresh :) 

I want one now :D

And here is a picture of one of the lunches. Ignore the cheese on top. It's otherwise really healthy :D
Pepper, onion and mushroom omlette :) 
(Also eggs are a good source of Iron, which us pregnant ladies usually lack in our system)

I am also due on the farm delivery today :) I'll post a picture on the box on my instagram, so follow me for post update notes and a few extra pictures from my life :) 

And enjoy your food...we only live once  :)


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