Saturday, 7 June 2014

31 Weeks

31 weeks ? this means we have 6-9 weeks left. That is nothing. I say 6, because women are considered full term at 37 weeks, so after that it's pretty safe for the baby to arrive at any point, and it can.So better get myself prepared. We still haven't signed up for any classes :S really should get on it. They do them in my hospital, where they do it in just one day (about 6 hours) and it includes the tour of the hospital, so might be a good idea to get them there.

Anyway, here are the updated details :) It is so late, and I've just taken these photos. I am so tired as well, haven't brushed my hair in hours and since we just came back from D's sisters place...I am so full. We had like a 5 course meal :D and that makes it two nights in a row where we've had a bit too much food. I'll try to eat more fruit tomorrow :D

I have featured all of these clothing items on my blog before, so I'm not going to go into detail with them. Mostly because I'm too tired.

How far along : 31weeks

Gender : Boy

Total weight gain :This just makes me laugh. One week I lose half a pound the other week I gain 2 :D The size of my bump makes me think that the weight gain is his though, because it doesn't even want to fit in my maternity jeans. So hopefully he is going through some growth spurt and it's not just me getting fat for no good reason. 
So the total up to this point is about 19 pounds...

Cravings : I didn't actually notice this myself, because I've always had a sweet tooth, but both D and my friend told me I eat more sweets these days. So I guess they are right, or maybe I just behaved a bit better when I wasn't pregnant :D And could control myself more.

Sleep: I sleep like a baby ( I really hope this saying is true). I just don't get bothered about anything anymore. I won't wake up when D gets up in the morning and I fall back to sleep in seconds after my nightly toilet visits. I kind of like it, but then again I would really like to wake up early as well, because there is so much to do and now I just don't get anything done :D 
Also...I can't really sleep on my back now because it's uncomfortable, which is probably for the best, as I don't think you're meant to anyway, when you're pregnant. They say sleeping on your left side is the best, but I find it more comfortable to be on my right side so I just stick to what I like the most :) 

Stretch marks : No marks yet. There might be some on my ass actually, because I feel it getting bigger. And I think if they are going to appear on my bump, it's going to happen right about now time, as I can really feel my skin stretching :S Sometimes it even hurts.

Movement : He is moving. I think I should be counting the kicks, but I don't. I should, but who really has time for that ??? like really ?? :D

Things for the baby: Still the same things as last week, plus the few things I got from Primark during the week. 

Favourite Name: Just because everyone has been asking about what the name is going to be and I've been saying that I like Adrien, and no one has really liked it, I've kind of gone off it now. So back to  the beginning...which name for the baby. (D has now informed me that he actually really likes the name...I'm so confused...I need sleep :D)

Thoughts : I have actually been feeling a bit down this week. I can't really explain it, it might be the hormones, it might just be everyone else, but mostly I think it's the hormones, but yeah I've been feeling a bit depressed about this pregnancy this week. I don't think it's anything serious and it usually goes away once I start doing something or I'll just try to get myself excited again, by reading some articles or just a book. Same with the weight gain, it makes me laugh now, but there was a few days, where I just felt fat and ugly. I guess it's normal, I mean I am carrying a whole extra 19 pounds on me...I have never been this heavy in my life. Everything just feels harder, even just putting shoes on and walking. My back hurts and my feet hurt and then he gives me a little kick and I just feel better :) 
So end of the week thought is that I am actually quite happy and content most of the times. But I also think it's normal to think that it's hard and wish for it to be over already. I'm just glad It's getting warmer now, because I'm sick and tired of trying to squeeze myself into jeans, that I cant zip up :D 

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