Hello, Everyone :)
Last month I didn't really do the whole update and routine post as it had stayed pretty much the same, but this month has brought along a lot of changes :) So I will fill you in all things baby :)
This past month brought a lot of decrease and increase. He is now only drinking about 4 bottles of formula during the whole day, so there has been a definite increase in the milk feeds. But this also means that he is now eating more solid foods. The foods actually haven't changed that much but he is definitely eating MORE. He has half a mashed up banana ( I switched from blueberries, because they stain so badly...in his poo...TMI...sorry :D but seriously it was impossible to clean) with an organic weetabix and almond milk. I haven't completely stopped giving him blueberries though. Every now and then I decide I'm a grown woman and can handle it, and then he has them with his porridge :D During lunchtime he still has fingerfood, and is loving that part. It's also the messiest of the meals :DI And I still cook his dinners. We have completely given up on pouches and jars...the only thing he has that is shopbought are the Organix snacks. He loves the carrot flavoured corn sticks and apple and cinnamon rice cakes. Another thing I will start doing now is giving him snacks in between meals...stuff like slices of fruit...he loves mango...or melon...I don't know what the difference is :D...EVER...drives D crazy :D
I also try my best to prepare his meals ahead of time and then freeze them in these awsome pots that are just the right size for him. I got
THESE from Amazon but I also recently purchased
THESE. I just love that there are different sizes so there will be no waste.
Food wise, I am pretty sure he loves all foods, but sometimes gets a bit fussy over egg :D He can't have boiled egg because he doesn't like the texture of the egg white on its own and the strong taste of egg yoke on its own. But when I scramble the egg and cut it into strips, he loves it....so go figure.
Also he seems to have a slight tomato allergy, but only when he has slices of it. He is fine when the tomato is cooked or there is tomato in the sauce.
Usual dinner meals consist of 3 parts. There is either sweet potato or normal potato and carrot or pasta or rice. The second part is the meat...usually fish, chicken, beef. I haven't given him any pork just yet, but only because we don't actually eat pork ourselves that often. And the third part is the vegetable part. He either has a mixture of veggies or just peas and beans or I give him some avocado instead or sometimes cottage cheese.
Another thing he absolutely loves and it's so easy to do and serve because it's an all in one dish is a chicken soup/casserole. I put all the veggies in there and chicken and the stock and then freeze it in the little fore mentioned pots. I'm pretty sure this is his favourite meal at the moment. But I can't blame him, who doesn't like a good chicken soup :)
And he also had a taste of chocolate. It's safe to say...He liked it :D
He loves books now. He loves pulling them down from the shelves I meant to say. But he does actually look at the books now as well. So I think it has payed off that I kept going with the reading, even though he seemed to hate sitting down and listening to me at one point :D He really likes colourful books and the ones where you can lift something and find something else :D His favourites is
PEEP INSIDE THE ZOO. The zoo book made us also buy these fridge magnets. He was having a lot of fun with the touristy ones we had on there and he loved rearranging them. So this set of fridge magnets that has all kinds of animal magnets is a really good buy. It also allows me to either do the dishes or cook while he plays right beside me.
He is also getting a lot more out of his old toys as he now knows what they do and how they work. He loves the piano and a sing song gadgety thing that my sister got him when he was 3 months old. It has all kinds of songs about animals in Estonian. I have to admit though, that the song lyrics make no sense :D But he loves pushing the button and then listening whatever animal song comes along.
We also got him this graco walker toy and although he is now able to actually take steps with it he enjoys playing with the buttons and balls/shapes a lot more :D
But like I said he gets so much more out of the toys now because he is just so observant. He will see us do something and then just copies us :) It's very cool to see.
He also loves hoovers :S honestly
This is the moment every parent waits for...sleeping through the night. It has happened :D He is finally sleeping through. He goes down around 7/8 PM and doesn't get up until the next day 6/7 AM. There have been a few early morning wakenings as in 5.30 AM and a few mid night feeds, but honestly it doesn't even bother me now because I've had enough rest. I also have the luxury of having D working at home some days (read ''most days'') So our morning routine usually involves me waking up at 6 then spending about 2-3 hours with Oscar. Then he goes for his morning nap and when he wakes up next D gets up and feeds him his morning porridge while I have a longer snooze. I mean we have the curse of the ''sleeperinners'' or shall I say ''longlatesleepers'' :D anyway we love sleep, so getting that 3 hour nap in the morning is bliss. Sometimes D takes him first and we swap our morning roles.
He has a second nap around 1-2PM and then when he wakes up he will have lunch and then he won't go down until his last sleep.
If you are wondering if we did anything different to get him to sleep through the night, then NO. We just stuck with the routine we had established at when he was 6 weeks old. And I'm so glad we did. I'm not the one to judge on other people and how they raise their children, but the one thing both me and D agreed on was that we will not try out the ''cry it out'' method. There just isn't enough proof on how it affects the baby in the long run, and the main point for that method is that the baby knows you will go when he cries...call me crazy but I want my baby to know I will help him when he needs me. Otherwise how else will he communicate. Anyway enough of that. I'm just glad we survived the crazy 8 months of waking up 2-3 times a night :D
- He is crawling
- climbing
- taking steps with a bit of help
- he will stand up on anything
- he can climb up small steps, as in I have found him in the fireplace :D We have a mirror on the back of the fireplace and he loves looking at himself.
- He will notice anything that is not meant to be there. Every little crumb and piece of food
- He will use a spoon to feed himself
- He has 3 solid meals a day
- He is sleeping through the night
- He is very vocal and now babbles along with us
- He says mom and ''emme'' which is mommy in estonian
- He has kind of forgotten how to say ''daddy'' :D I think he has just kind of moved on to other words that interest him like ''boo'' or ''boaboaboaboaboa...etc :D''
- He is so super fast it takes him about half a second to come from one room to the other.
- He remembers where things are. As in things that are put and also things he has seen and wants to go back to...he will just know where they are :D
- he has about 5 poos a day (I know it's not a milestone :D but going from 1 easy clean to 5 with a wriggly baby, I just though it needs to be mentioned)
And this is all I can remember for now :D I'm sure there are loads of more things, but I'm having a block :S Anyway, if there is any more information you would like to know, or have some funny things to say about your own baby then leave a comment below. I'd love to hear other Mommy stories :)
As Always, Hope you enjoyed the post
Stay tuned