I know I'm 5 days late with this post, but since my sister was here at his actual 2 month birthday I didn't want to waste any time on the blog because we only had 4 days :)
I say waste time...I don't mean it in a bad way, but it is quite time consuming.
Usually I try to write when Oscar is asleep so I won't miss out spending time with him because he is so alert these days I feel bad about leaving him to entertain himself...which he actually quite enjoys sometimes :D
This is the big boy on his 2 month birthday. We are celebrating with cake, and the only presents are the books I'll be buying every month :) I must admit I bought 4 this month rather than just one, but I just couldn't choose :D
Anyway I'll go through all of it in detail now. Hopefully I won't leave anything important out :)
I have been trying to give him a bedtime routine since month 1 and I really think he likes having this routine, knowing what comes next. For us it starts with him waking from his last nap at around 6, I then feed him and have a little play, he does get tired after and hour and a half or so, so I usually let him have a nice 30 minute nap around 7.30. The hard part is not to get carried away with having the grown-up time and actually waking him up after half an hour.
That is the key for us, as if I let him sleep longer he won't go down in time and doesn't sleep as long when he does.
After the nap I wake him up by changing his diaper and then it's bath time. We give him a bath every night now. I tried not giving him a bath yesterday just to make it a bit easier, but I just felt so bad, and ended up doing the bath anyway :D He just gets so excited once I start taking his day clothes off that I couldn't not give him a bath :D It's a nice thing though, because he still really enjoys them.
After the bath I give him a little massage and we have a little play and sing along on the changing table :D This is just to get him ready for food. Around 9PM I do his last feed of the day. I give the bottle at this feed, because I like to know how much he is getting.
He usually falls asleep while eating and then doesn't wake up until 2-3 AM :)
This is the longest stretch of sleep we get during the night, but it's not too bad, because once I change and feed him at night, he goes to sleep so quickly again (max 30 minutes) and then sleeps another 3 hours or so.
I use to get up at 6 AM and then feed and change him in the living room, because it takes him longer to settle after having a good 8 hours of sleep during the night, but now I just stay in bed and get up around 8/9 AM instead :)
And during the day he does have a few naps, but they are not very long, apart from around 12pm when he goes down for as long as 2 hours :)
He always sleeps through our walks as well, so I try to do them at this time.
Another thing sleep related is his bed. He still sleeps in the co-sleeper at night, and has his long nap in the stroller, but these small naps during the day he has on the couch (nice and safely, I hardly ever leave the room) on the pregnancy pillow, and I have noticed he is much more calmer when it's softer, so I have just been delivered a Clevemama foam baby pillow, so I will be testing it out tonight to see if he sleeps any better with that.
He is just so wriggly I find him sideways in his bed about 7 times a night :D
He still feeds every 3 hours. I still do combined feeding, so I breastfeed him and then top him up with formula/infant milk about 30 minutes later apart from the 9pm feed, when I solely use a bottle to monitor how much he is getting :)
We are still using Hipp Organic Combiotic First infant milk packets, but now are also using the powder version.
I thought it will be really annoying to boil the water and then get it to the right temperature, but it's actually been quite easy. I boil the water and poor some in a another bottle for the next feed, and do that every time. The reason we decided for the formula powder is just the cost. The packets are not too expensive at 74p each for 200ml but the massive box of formula is only 8 pounds :)
The one thing I did expect to be happening with Oscar was reflux and lots of spitting up, but we have managed to get a baby who is pretty good at holding down his food :D
I'm not saying it has never happened and never will, but the amount is so small I hardly notice it when it does happen.
The amount of milk really varies I think, I think 2 month olds need to eat 150ml at every feed 5 times a day, but Oscar eats around 120ml each feed every 3 hours (7 times a day). I'm really not worried about that though, because it seems normal :) Eating 5 times a day would mean he feeds every 4-5 hours and that's just not going to happen, as he only lasts longer than 3 hours after the 9pm feed, when he goes down for 5-6 hours :)
I'm also quite looking forward to starting him on the solids. We will start around 4/5 month mark rather than the 6 month mark I hear from everywhere. It's just that we've read that starting earlier will help with his development and he is less likely to get allergies and be fussy about food :) I'm not saying everyone has to do the same...it's about finding what suits your family I guess.
At his 6 week doctors appointment, he weighed at a hefty 4.56kg and was 55cm long :) I would say that now he is nearer to 5 kilograms and is about 60 cm long :S I'm taking this from how his clothes fit him rather than actual measurements, so I can't be too sure. He is a big boy though :D :)
The main thing that is different from last month is that he is now able to hold up his head. He also pulls himself to sit if we hold his hands, and he loves sitting like that for ages. He just feels so happy and alert. Another thing I'm actually really happy about is that he is quite into listening everything we are saying, so I've been reading him some fun books every now and then. I realise that he can't understand any of it just yet, but hearing different words and colourful pictures help with his development, and it's something we can do while cuddling :)
Another thing I have noticed is, that he is getting more and more hair, which I'm really happy about :D He did have really dry skin on his scalp for a long time, so the hair took time to come out, but it looks like he's going to have a full set of hair very very soon.
And I think this is it...at least it's all I can think of at the moment :)
Hope you enjoyed the post and if you have any questions why not leave a comment below, and I will be sure to answer as best as I can.
Stay tuned, Everyone