Sunday, 17 August 2014

My Labour and Delivery Story

I never thought I would be so bad with labor pains. I honestly didn't. I also thought I will get it easy and be one of those women who go to the hospital, find out they are fully dialated and then push 3 times...hello baby ?! That didn't happen :D
I did so much research on the Internet to find out how you can tell when you are in labour, and the most popular answer in all of the forums was ''you will know when it's time'' I was a bit sceptical about that one. But I can now say, you really do know.
My contractions started on Wednesday afternoon around 4pm. They came every 10-15 minutes and where really mild, so I actually didn't know at this time that I was in true labor. I went to sleep about 1am and woke up at 4. This when I felt my first truly painful contraction. It kind of made me cramp up and for that first one I forgot I was meant to I think it hurt a bit more than it should have. I also felt the need to poo (which I didn't) but I did think that this might be gas pain, so I went to the toilet just in case :D
5 minutes later, I had another one. Now knowing this is not gas, I tried to breathe through the contraction and it might have helped...I really don't know. But it's again true what they say. You can feel it coming and then at one point it's really painful and then you can start feeling it subside. I felt mine really low in my abdomen and actually all around my bottom parts (which is why at first I thought I needed a poo) And they lasted for more than a minute.
I always thought contractions were meant to feel like your whole stomach is tightening, but mine just started out low and then the peak of the pain I felt in my lower stomach as well, so I guess everyone are different. All I know that it hurt and all I could think about at the beginning was, that if this gets any worse I am not going to last without the drugs. A funny part of all of this though is that we actually watched an episode of Peep show earlier where one of the characters was giving birth. Another thing I read before getting the real contractions, that there is a break in the middle. I have to say with me it wasn't a clear break, because I still felt a dull pain all the time. They are worth it though, just to catch your breath and move positions.
Around 6 am, when the contractions had been pretty constant for 2 hours I actually had a shower. I figured, I want to wash my hair and put some make-up on :S :D don't ask. It just felt like the right thing to do. After my shower I woke up D. He didn't come to bed until 3am so I figured he can use as much sleep as possible, because I had no idea how long my labor will last.
We went to the hospital for the first time around 9am. got settled in a room in the birth centre just to find out I'm not dialated at all and it's still really early labour. So we decided to go home around 12 as i figured I'll be much more comfortable being home. Around 4pm my contractions got really strong. I could really feel the peak of them in my crotch area. D was really good giving me a backrub every time. Also I felt leaning forward and down and being on my toes helped. At 7pm we decided this is it so my friend took us to the hospital. We got settled in another room and even though with the first examination they told me I'm still not dialated with the second one I was alreday 2cm and that was within 4 hours.
Another thing is that when I got to the hospital my mucus plus came off. And I really couldn't have missed it if it would've happened at home.
The contractions were so painful and there was no break, I hadn't slept for what felt for days and I was getting so tired and exhausted, so I had an ephadine injection. I couldn't sleep though, because I had midawives and doctors doing tests on me. Apparently I had developed diabetes at the last day of my pregnancy or so they thought. I know it was the sportsdrink and sugary snacks. Anyway because they thought it might be diabetes. they decided to move me to the delivery suite to break my waters and speed up delivery.
At 4 am I was trasfered. I got an epidural, my waters were broken and it felt like bliss. I honestly don't remember much of that phase, because I was in no pain I got some sleep. This all lasted for 8  hours and in that time they actually gave me drip as well with hormones to speed it all up even more. I didn't feel the contractions for so long, I then thought I got away with it, because I had dialated to 6cm and they said it's not going to be long now. But then something went wrong and my epidural was not working for me anymore. The excrutiating pain was back and I think it was even worse because of the hormones. They then gave e 2 top ups in the epidural drip that started working and 2 hours later I was fully dialated and given max 4 hours to have my baby, or they will have to call the doctors for intervention.
2 hours later I started pushing. And even though the midwife told me I was doing an amazing job, nothing was happening in an hour and a half. They then told me they will have to call the doctors which is when I decided ''No Way'' and 15 minutes later his head was out and it took me one more push to get the rest of the body out.
The pushing stage was actually not painful. It was on the other hand super exhausting and I just remember that intense need to push even though the midwife told me not to a few times. In the end though, the relief of it all being over and that little boy coming was pretty amazing.
Not all was good though. He didn't scream and was found to have some liquid in his pipes, but at the end I got to hold my baby boy and hear how everything was actually good :)
We were taken to the maternity ward and the next day we got to go home :)

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