Sunday, 24 August 2014

A Nice Day Out

I am writing this post with liitle birdie (his cry reminds me of birds :D) sleeping on my stomach, so I'm struugling to type, but it's ok. I don't have the heart to put him down...ok I actually picked him up when he was sleeping...don't judge me :D

Anyway, we had our first little walk today. My parents and little brother are visiting us from Estonia, so we took a nice stroll in the sun to meet them in town for a coffee. And it was so nice to get out and about. Actually ever since we introduced bottles and formula milk I just feel I've got a bit of normality in my life. I manage to cook dinner and have a shower and even make myself look a bit nicer with a bit of make-up :D

Another thing that happened today was that we got a graco swing delivered. I chose this one just for the sole reason it's higher above the ground that most of the other ones and it swings and plays music and noises and does all the cool stuff. I know he is way too small to be really interested in anything, but he does like to be in the middle of action so it would be good to have him a bit more eye level to everyone. He doesn't really snooze in it though, I think it's the angle of the chair.

But here is the first look of little birdie. All tired from his first walk

And passed out on the pillow. This is my pregnancy pillow actually. And he absolutely loves it. I think it's because of the snug fit of it, once it's folded over. It's a life saver, thats drying on the bathroom radiator, because a bit of poo sneeked out of his nappie and made it dirty :D I don't know what to do with myself...feel so lost without it :D

NB! The walk actually happened yesterday, but my laptop decided to run out of battery and my parent had the adaptor to charge it up, so I couldn't finish up and upload the post until now. 

Also I have found that all those things that people say you don't really need, are actually quite useful. I'll do another post about the essentials later on the week. And of course everyone will find their own views and ways, so it's just going to be a little update on what I have found useful and what I have learned over the week and a bit being a first time mum :)

Stay tuned :)
Hopefully I will find time to write another post soon


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