This week has gone really fast. It was D's birthday and I have actually been out and about more often. We've gone to the cinema and I've met my friend for dinner yesterday, which got followed by a few non-alcoholic beverages around Brindely place. She was driving so couldn't drink alcohol either so I had company in that department. And all in all it's actually been a really good week as I've kept myself busy. I need to plan out the next 2 weeks as well, so time will go faster.
Another thing is that my parents finally bought tickets to come visit us in August, and even though they are only coming for 5 days I can not wait :) It's only going to be my parents and my brother and then my sister will visit us some time in October. But 3 out of 4 is pretty good I think.
Also it's Ds brothers birthday today, so it's probably best I' not going to give birth today, because no one wants to share their birthday :D
This is what the bump looks like these days :)
A little 10 weeks comparison for you guys :)
How far along: 38 Weeks
Gender of the baby: Boy
Weight gain and measurements: I've given up on the weight thing for now because it is just too hot outside and inside, which means I have about 1l of liquid inside me at all times, which will add to my weight, so I won't be getting an accurate number. I will add my fundal height here on Monday once I've had my midwife appointment. I don't remember if I said it last week, but at 36 weeks it was 35 cm. He grows about (my belly)2 cm every 2 weeks so we will see. In one of my weekly newsletter it was said though, that I can kind of expect my belly to stay the size it is now. Which makes me happy if this is the case, because it means I will not get any stretch marks...I still don't have any :)
Preparations: We now have bought all the little bits and bobs we needed. We got 2 changing mats (1 for the living room and one for the bedroom) and I got my nursing bra's. I also got some nipple shields :D to shield my nipples, either from breastfeeding or breast pump. we got a few more lightweight blankets and towels for the little one. And more cotton pads and cotton balls. My hospital bag is fully packed and ready to go....but there is no baby :D hopefully sooner rather than later
Tips and tricks I've learnt:
- Drinking lots of fluid will help you not get water retention. As long as you keep the drinks to low sugar and non carbonised.
- A little pampering session is a good way to relax. And in the last weeks the less stress the better, to help you get those wanted hormones to go into labour.
- Paranoia is normal. Excpecially when it's your first pregnancy. I though something was wrong every time before an appointment/scan and every time after. I was so sure something happened a minute the doctor moved the ultrasound wand away from my stomach :D I made the doctor actually count all the toes and fingers at my 3d/4d scan :D The trick is to get yourself realise you are just being paranoid and then get over it.
- I'm not sure if walking will get me into labour because I've stayed active through my work anyway. We'll see. I try to go for at least a short walk every day...even if it is a 10 minute trip to tesco for some ice cream.
Sleep: Sometimes I sleep so well and sometimes I can't seem to sleep at all. It's all different every day. I did think once though, that all those trips to the toilet during the night is a good practice of having to wake up for feedings and changing :)
Signs of labour: I am getting lower abdominal pain and a few cramps here and there. I can't stay upright for too long, because the braxton hicks will get stronger then. I have't had the ''show'' yet and the baby is not fully engaged, because he still twists around. I say twist, because he turns sides, but he is not going anywhere from his head down position now, which is good :)
Thoughts: I did think I will have the baby by the end of today, but now I'm thinking there is no way :D D told me to hold it together until he goes on his break from work, but I am aware that me and him wanting something doesn't mean it's going to happen :D
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing my lovely friend and hearing about her engagement and her asking me to be a bridesmaid. I am so damn excited. I have never actually been to a wedding. They are also planning to have it somewhere warm in Europe, which means it's really more like a holiday. And their date is not set yet, but it's going to be around the time when the little bubba is over a year old :) so we'll be used to parenthood and comfortable with travelling, as I'm sure we would've gone for a few holidays before that already.
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