Saturday, 19 July 2014

37 Week Pregnancy Update

I am officially full term now. This is absolutely crazy, although I am aware that it could be anywhere between a day and 5 weeks until he actually makes his entrance to the real world, knowing me after week 40, I will just be counting days not weeks anyway. 

This weekly thing is slightly confusing me a bit lately. So in most cases and according to my app I have now actually finished 37 weeks, and some places/people/forums are saying I'm 38 weeks, which kind of makes sense as well, because my due date is when I hit 40 weeks, not when I finish 40 weeks and hit 41. Anyway I'm just confusing myself even more now :D

All I know is that I am at the last stretch and this is getting seriously exciting now. I keep having dreams that I have the baby or are giving birth, and they are not scary dreams or nightmares, otherwise I would be panicking right now, but they are actually really nice dreams.

Yes I am aware it's not going to be anything like my dreams...or will it :) It is mighty strange though how your mind changes with pregnancy. I mean I went from utter shock of finding out I'm pregnant, to absolute terror of thinking about labour to the point where I am now...absolutely content and ready for this new chapter in my life and I am not even scared of the labour anymore. I guess you might say I AM EMOTIONALLY READY :)

I'm blabbering now, so here is my week 37 baby bump update 

How far along: 37 Weeks

Gender of the baby: Boy

Weight gain and measurements: Fundal height at my midwife appointment was 35 cm. According to the midwife this is all good, but when I look at it, it's kind of on his way off the chart. This only shows the length though, not that he is a massive fat baby :D And D is quite tall as well ( I'm a midget :D) so we can probably expect him to take after his dad. I have gained a pound this week, which is normal I guess. I have heard stories that around this time your weight gain will slow down or stop all together. I'm guessing it's because there is just little or no room for food once the baby has settled into his birth position, but ours hasn't so loads of room for food in my stomach :D Also I think one of the factors for the weight gain to stop or even drop is your waters breaking. Because sometimes it's just a trickle and it might be a week before you even go to labour after they have broken.

Preparations: We found a pushchair. Ok I found the one I was actually ok with ( there really isn't much choice) D agreed and his sister got it for us.
 And it's this one from Mamas&Papas. It's plain black and it came with all the things we need, so a pushchair, carrycot and also a car seat, which won't be getting much use.

I really do like it actually, because it's compact, it's light and it doesn't hurt my eyes. It's also really easy to manoeuvre and really easy to swap all the parts and things :)

Tips and tricks I've learnt: 

  • A birth ball is a great buy. It's useful during pregnancy and can be used as an exercise ball later.
  • So is a pregnancy pillow. It just makes it so much easier to find a comfortable position to sleep in. And since I'm waking up like 7 times during the night. I need to find that position 7 times as well.
  • walking is the easiest exercise to do during the last stages of pregnancy. I know getting out of breath in 2 minutes is annoying, but once that baby drops, it will much more comfortable...oh wait once the baby drops, going for an hour walk while feeling like you're going to pee yourself constantly is annoying as well :D don't give up though...just keep walking :D
  • Keep track of your pregnancy. I've found so much looking back at my posts from week 22 that I'd forgotten. And looking your belly grow on pictures is amazing. You don't really notice it until you see how much everything changes throughout the pregnancy

Sleep: Like I said...I wake up a lot...and have been struggling to sleep a few nights, but the pillow makes it better. I've also stopped drinking an hour before going to bed, just to try to keep it under control, but it's been so hot, I'm thirsty all the time, and I think it's just better to drink rather than dehydrate.

Signs of labour: Still getting the period like pains every now and then, nothing too uncomfortable or painful though. D actually got annoyed with me earlier because I'm too comfortable. I guess he wants to see things moving along as well, and I don't really have any signs of going into labour. I have been quite lucky with everything all through my pregnancy though, so I don't think there is any need to worry. I also don't think he is going to come late for some reason, call it intuition. It's not like I'm being impatient it's just a feeling...I guess time will tell

Thoughts: Thousand every minute of the day :D 

Best Moment of the Week: Getting the pushchair delivered. It just marked the time when we actually do have everything we need now :) 

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