Saturday, 24 May 2014

29 weeks

I am being very very good and doing this post in the morning. I usually update and write in the evening, but since my dearest friend Jojo is coming to visit me from London I know I will be busy in the evening.

But this girl Jojo, I have missed her sooo much. We don't know each other too long, we used to work together, but it wasn't until I moved in the house she was living in as well did we become really good friends. And I can't imagine not having her as a friend. D is going away for the weekend as well to see his friend in Manchester, so we can have our usual girly nights in...except this time there won't be any wine :D

Not much has actually changed in the baby department this week, but I promised myself I will still do the weekly updates, so here it is :)

 Cardigan - Forever21
Jeans - New Look Maternity
Tank top - h&m
Blouse - h&m
Shoes - Primark?

How far along : 29 weeks

Gender : Boy

Total weight gain : I've gained another pound this week, which means I've gained a total of 16 pounds. This is all healthy and good and I'm quite happy with it. Since I'm meant to gain about a pound a week from now on, it should put me at 26-27 pounds by the time I give birth, which is considered a healthy weight yay for me :D

Belly: 92cm  Waist: 81cm
I still fit in all my clothes, I'm not saying I can zip and use the buttons :D but that's just my belly.
So while my belly grows, my other measurements HAVE stayed the same, 2cm has come on to my thighs, but that's probably to support the growing weight of my upper body :D

Cravings : chicken wraps, breaded chicken, chicken enchiladas, chicken fajitas :D I have literally been craving everything chicken, so I've had about 5 chicken wraps in every variation this week, and I think it's safe to say the craving is gone forever....well it's gone until it comes back.

Sleep: I have been sleeping like a baby lately. I go to sleep about 12 every night and wake up around 5 am because I need the toilet, but after that I can easily sleep another 5-6 hours without anything disturbing or waking me, so I am really happy about that. 

Stretch marks : Still no stretch marks, but I'm guessing they will start appearing around now time (third trimester) if I'll get them at all.

Movement : I keep trying to get the movements on the video, but end up missing them all the time, or I don't have the camera at hand :D But i promise I will do it one day, because it just looks so weird. So amazing at the same time...I can't believe there is someone growing in my belly :)

Things for the baby: I haven't gotten any new things, but we have been looking around for a co-sleeper. I know chicco does it, but I want something wooden, because Chicco one is metal and fabric. I saw a couple of good ones by BabybeMine and a german company, and they are at a really good price, so we'll have to just pick one out and order it :)

Favourite Name: Still Adrien :) I'm really surprised this name has stuck with me for so long. 

Thoughts : I need to get a breast bump, and I need to get a hospital bag and all the things I need to bring with me sorted. I know I still have 10 weeks left :D but knowing me and my things of leaving everything to the last minute, I really should get cracking and do and get the things we need. 
We definitely have enough clothes for him for his first weeks, so I guess now we need to start thinking of bigger months, well at least 3-6 months things, as you never know how much he is going to grow. D is quite tall, so the baby might grow out of newborn things pretty fast. But I guess we can't know that until he is here and growing :)

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