Saturday, 3 May 2014

26 weeks

So the time has come again to do my weekly pregnancy update. It seems like they come really close together, and not much changes in a week :D but oh well, I'll  continue and hope something drastic will a good way of course.

It might just be as well that I'm living through these days and that is why I find everything so familiar and think not much is happening throughout the weeks. I have to say though, that next week will be slightly different as I'm getting the 4D scan, which will either look really cute...or really creepy...I'll keep you guys updated on that one, since I'm not going to take a stand on these scans until I've had mine on Tuesday.

Also It was my babyshower today, but I'll do a seperate post on it as y sister had her friend taking pictures, so I'll wait until I get them :)

I'm going to add things to this list, that are most likely to change every week, just to keep myself entertained :D

Also, I have mentioned previously loads of times times of how horrible the camera on my phone is, and I completely forgot to take a picture today, so when I remembered I was already in my pj's and it was dark, and I had to use a flash just to get anything on the picture.

The quality is so bad, I'm actually embarrassed, but I wanted to take it anyway, because I've noticed now that my bump is getting more round, and it's looking more like a pregnancy. One reason might also be that the baby is now in an upright position, so I don't just look wide :D

I also have a picture of the bump on my baby shower post, I have to say though, that the picture was taken while me and my sister were fooling around and I am pushing it out more than it actually is, so these ones here show the real size a bit better :)

Wearing all h&m. the shirt is just a t-shirt and not pj's :) And yes the light is in my face for a reason...I'm pregnant, tired and it's late...I don't think I need any more excuses :D

How far along : 26 weeks

Gender : Boy

Total weight gain : Since I'm on my last holiday back home, I'm not fussing about the weight here, I weighed myself 2 days ago and it was the same as last week, so I'm guessing the max I've gained is another pound :)

Measurements: Belly: 89cm Waist: 79cm (My waist was 66cm before pregnancy, so I'm really not being silly, when I say I have lost my waist :D ) I don't know what my belly was, since it's not really a place you measure unless you're pregnant...I don't think.

Cravings : Everything salty. They sell these meatballs with herb cream cheese filling here and I just eat them cold (they are cooked obviously :D) so good. Also this greek style cream cheese, but thicker and sweet obviously. Actually I'm not sure if these are craving or just things I've missed as they don't have them in England.

Sleep: I sleep about 10 hours a night, with 1 toilet break at the moment, and I can easily have a 1-2 hour nap as well during the day. I try to sleep on my side, but I notice when I wake up I'm on my back, so I might have to get a pillow to keep me in the right position.

Stretch marks : No stretchmarks, but I'm  starting to notice an increase in cellulite :S what the hell... Not happy about that, but atleast it can be cured :D 

Movement : Every day  

Things for the baby: 3 long sleepsuits, 4 short sleeved - no leg bodies, 3 pairs of socks, a water and air thermometer. 2 jegging style pants.

Favorite Name: Adrien

Thoughts : I'm enjoying this time off way too much, I can't believe I have to go to work again in a week :S  

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