Friday, 17 April 2015

Oscars 8 Month Update

Hello, Everyone :) Here is Oscars 8 month update

What a lovely day it has been. It has been super sunny for a good 2 days now :D and I have taken what I can take from it. Yesterday we went for a picnic in the park and today I stayed in the garden sun for a good 2 hours. I might have a bit of a red nose now and that sun tiredness you know the one where your eyes are tired but you are not? But all in all it has been really lovely.
Oscar is now 8 months old. Which means he is only 4 months away from being 1 YEAR OLD....I can't believe it (hope you enjoyed that I did the math for you there :D)
He is just such a cool dude I can't even comprehend and start to think...what? What am I saying :D What I was meant to say is that I just can't believe he has turned out to be so cool even though his parents are a bit of losers...or massive losers shall we say :D haha, just kidding. I keep thinking though, that I am just so lucky to have him in my life and he is so good to us and I'd like to think it's because we are good to him :) I mean it is, you get what you give, right :) SO I know it's not really the case with babies, but I do believe that staying calm, happy and positive has helped to turn this little man into a little bundle of joy...a little moving all the time bundle of joy.
And I'm not saying that it's perfect all the time. I have moments when I feel like I'm going to lose my mind and moments where I think I just don't have any energy in me to do anything....but I just take a step back and get out of the room....take a minute to myself and rant on my own so he wouldn't be subject to that...and I think it has worked. I'm not an angel by any means, I get angry and sad, but I try not to let Oscar see that. And you might think here, that I'm overprotective, but don't. He gets his share, because you know, sometimes there is just no time to go out of the room :D
Funnily enough though now that he is moving around and going places and grabbing and tasting? :D we do have to set a harsher tone, just so he would realise if something is forbidden or bad. But because he just hasn't heard us raise our voices and be angry at him, he just chuckles at us :S :D And then I can't help but chuckle as well :D Ok, so he either gets amused or he just ignores what we are saying. But I guess sometimes it's good to let them learn themselves as well. Like the radiator in the bathroom that is hot all the time...not the best idea to touch now he stays away....sometimes.
It is hard work though and most of the days I do wish I had some help from my family :( but they live so far away. I'm just glad I've got D, who is very hands on and helps a lot with everything. But going out with just two of us is pretty much impossible, because there is no one to babysit. And I don't think that would be the case when my family would be here, or I would be where they are :) Rant over :D Here are a few pictures and a little more of his little achievement for the past month.

Our first picnic. He loved pulling the grass :D and was really interested in all the dogs :D But mostly he just made a complete mess of the blanket that we sat on.

He loves all kind of food. He drinks water from a sippy cup and I think his favorite fingerfood is cucumber.

He is teething so badly lately. There is drool everywhere and he will literally chew on everything :D like this padding on our tv table :D

 And he is definitely crawling and sitting up and is now saying dada, but not really mama :D He does make a sound that sounds like mum, when he is upset, but he blabbers about all the time, so I think it's just a coincidence :D

Hope you enjoyed the post :)
If you have any questions about his 8 month progress that i didn't cover, then ask away :)

Stay tuned, everyone

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