Hello, Everyone :)
I am seriously late with this update post, but I just can't find time. I haven't even been writing this for long, as in a little every day. I just have been so scared to even start it, because I know it's going to be long and time consuming :D
The 6 month mark has always been like this magical spot in the baby time line, that seems to be very very important. This is when your baby starts solids and starts sleeping through the night. They start sitting up and do their first move towards crawling and they will also start getting teeth...oh wait...that is not the case :D EVERY BABY, and I mean, every baby, is completely different, and I don't think some magical monthly milestone mark is going to happen at the same time for everyone :D
I will go through Oscars routine again in this post and tell you all about his development :)
This is him at his 6 month birthday night. We try to take a same kind of photo every month :)
We got the OXO Tot High Chair
He is now on two solid meals a day :) And he really does enjoy all kinds of foods. In the morning now, he wakes up and about half an hour later has his milk feed. These have gone down in measure as the solid food intake has increased. He still has about 120ml of milk every feed though. And then after that I give him some creamy porridge with either a fruit puree or some yogurt.
The next time I give him solid is around 6PM. Because these feeds are quite messy, we tend to do them before clothes changes. So after dinner he has his bath and we put his pj's on him. In the morning I change his clothes after the porridge.
He has had so many tastes, that it would be silly to try and start counting and listing them :D I will say that I make his dinners myself. I boil or steam some vegetables and puree them up with some cooking water. Sometimes I also puree meat with the vegetables or some fruit. I think the best taste that has gone down with him is mango and beef. He really likes mashed up bolognese sauce with minced meat or meatballs, whichever we have made for ourselves :D
He also quite likes banana, which I think is because it's sweet.
And we have also tried the pouches from Ella's Kitchen and Hipp Organic. Most times the yogurt or breakfast puree for the porridge comes from the pouch. Unless I have some blueberries, then I mash those up in there.
For some reason everyone keeps telling me that once they start eating more, they will sleep more. And no offence to those people, that might have been the case with their children, but Oscar didn't get that memo.
Considering that he has his last solid food around 6pm and then after that doesn't have anything until around 11pm. Sometimes I manage to sort out the feeds so that I give him his milk after the solids just before bed. This means he won't get up until after midnight. But it's not about volume of the food rather than the timing. He still feeds twice a night, and has more milk during those feeds than during the day. So I think he still needs that nutrition.
This is something that has really baffled me. I had no idea that there are babies who start sleeping through the night a 3 months and some who still wake up once or twice during the night when they are 1.5 years old :D or even older. And they are all normal. Actually if you look at some statistics then most babies still wake up during the night until they are around 1 year old. And it's nothing to do with how good you are at setting their sleep routine, or how comfortable their bed is. I have heard though that sleep training, in a sense that you let your baby cry himself to sleep, would work, but there are so many controversial studies about this one, that I won't be testing it out on my baby :) I'm not going to judge anyone who does try it out, and lets their baby cry it out, I'm just saying I don't have the heart to do it. And I'm also saying that I might change my mind at one point :D But for now it's pretty managable.
He goes to sleep at 7-7.30 PM and then wakes up just before I go down at 11-12. And then again around 3-4...a couple of time he has missed out on the 11pm feed and gone right through to the night. In those cases he wakes up around 2-3 am. In the morning it is pretty much the same time, every time. He wakes up around 7-7.30 am.
Naps have gone a lot shorter during the day. But he does still have one long 2 hour stretch of sleep around noon time. And I have noticed that he did last around 3 hours being awake, but now that has stopped and gone back to 2 hours...I'll explain that later.
I have to mention that we now have a crib in his room, where he has an occasional nap, but still sleeps in his co-sleeper. I am just waiting for an armchair to arrive, because other wise we would have nowhere to feed him when we move him to sleep in his own room for the night. I'm a bit scared of how it's going to go down :S
This has been the biggest difference. From last month to this month he is just gotten so much more playful. He enjoys when I read to him, and likes to turn the pages or play with the puppets. And when I sing he will kindly babble alongside with me :) He is definitely a lot more aware of everything. He now watches cartoons, which ok, I feel a bit bad about, but he gets so smiley and talkative that I just can't deny him them...or me the free time :D
Another thing he has learned to do with his toys is NOISE :D He loves to bang all his toys either on the floor or on his chair table or on our table or on the side of the bath. Just everywhere...for some reason the banging noise is interesting for him :D
He is also much more observant of the toys. He will hold them up and look at them. And he will figure out what they do, like rattle or roll or... stuff like that. It's so amazing to watch him discover the world around him. He still discovers everything by putting it in his mouth though, and is obsessed with phones and remote controls :D
- For like a week, Oscar was teething so badly. He would drool through his dribble bibs like they were going out of fashion, and was in such a bad mood...it was so hard, because there wasn't much we could do about it. We tried the teething gel, but that only seemed to help for a minute or so :D SO all we had to do was wait it out...and...now...there are no teeth :DNone of his teeth have shown up yet, which just makes me think that more of these weeks are ahead of us very soon :D
- He is now definitely able to sit by himself for a very short time until he launches forward to grab something that has drawn his attention and then ends up on his belly :D But he definitely is sitting. He is not able to sit up by himself, as in get into a seating position from lying down. But is able to hold himself in the position when we put him to sit. I say a short amount of time, I mean a few seconds, 10 sec max, unless there is some kind of support around him.
- He is not sleeping through the night like I already mentioned.
- He is very good at flipping himself on to his stomach now. He will flip over the other way as well, but enjoys being on his stomach a lot more, as now he is able to move around. It's still early days as in he isn't getting forward rather than either backwards or just circle around on his tummy, but he is mighty good at it. Sometimes I leave him in the middle of the mat on his back and when I come back 2 minutes later he has rolled over/twisted and turned himself into a completely different place. I definitely have to keep my eye on his when he is on our bed.
- I stopped changing him on the dresser a long time ago because he is so active and will just wiggle away
I have forgotten what I wanted to say now that I have started writing this post. But I do know that I wanted to mention the poop :D Literally the poop. I though that once we start solids ( we started very slowly after his 4 month mark)he will be struggling with digesting, but he has been surprisingly amazing in that department :D
And on that lovely note :D
Hope you enjoyed the post.
If you have any questions or advice or anything you think I should know about the upcoming months, let me know down below in the comment box :)
Stay tuned :)
Tomorrow will be an outfit post, as I haven't done one in AAAAAGES :D