I can not believe I only have about 15 weeks left. Time really does fly. I can't even tell where this time has gone. I know I have been working a lot lately, which is good as I have been able to save up a bit of money for the time when I have to survive on only maternity pay. I say that, it's not like I pay for any bills or rent, as D is covering all that, but I will surely miss the tips :D Then again I think once the little baby boy comes I really won't be missing the money but will be cherishing the moments I can spend with him, and not having to go to work right away.
Before I took the photos I could just feel him moving position, so my belly is really poking out :D because i think his head is where my belly button is. I can really feel the kicks at the back of my stomach, and they are hitting very close to my bladder :D
I'm wearing my h&m leopard print espadrilles (I don't usually wear shoes inside, but I had just come back from town and kind of forgot to leave them on)
The jeans are my only pair paternity ones from New Look and the sweater is also from New Look from years ago. I realise I'm wearing a lot of my older clothes now, for some reason, which explains the New Look outfits, as I don't tend to shop there that often any more.
And the one accessory I wear everyday is the DKNY gold/silver watch D got me for Christmas last year :) I really do feel lost when I'm not wearing a watch.
How far along : 25 weeks
Gender : Boy
Before I took the photos I could just feel him moving position, so my belly is really poking out :D because i think his head is where my belly button is. I can really feel the kicks at the back of my stomach, and they are hitting very close to my bladder :D
I'm wearing my h&m leopard print espadrilles (I don't usually wear shoes inside, but I had just come back from town and kind of forgot to leave them on)
The jeans are my only pair paternity ones from New Look and the sweater is also from New Look from years ago. I realise I'm wearing a lot of my older clothes now, for some reason, which explains the New Look outfits, as I don't tend to shop there that often any more.
And the one accessory I wear everyday is the DKNY gold/silver watch D got me for Christmas last year :) I really do feel lost when I'm not wearing a watch.
How far along : 25 weeks
Gender : Boy
Total weight gain : 12 and a half pounds. Maybe even 13. I'm not actually very fussed anymore, as I've realised I'm gaining it all for a good cause and if I'm still on track of the healthy weight gain at my 25 weeks, then I have nothing to worrie about :)
Cravings : Chocolate...I know I said I really wanted some cravings, but this is really not what I meant. On the other hand everything citrus is fine by me as well. But the chocolate craving is much more stronger :D
Stretch marks : No stretch marks as of yet. I'm scared because I didn't show for so long I might just balloon in the next couple of weeks, which means my skin will have no time to get use to it...and I will get those dreaded stretchmarks :S
Movement : I'm really looking forward to my before bed mommy/son bonding session now. It's basically me lying in bed and him kicking away, but It's the small things that matter.
Thoughts : I finally went to town today and bought 3 of the cutest sleepsuits for him and a pair of socks (pictures below). The reason being is that I'm going to Estonia for two weeks, where my sister has organised me a baby shower, so I can expect my first presents. I am still on the stand that I don't want to spend a lot of money at first, but I do think that the first thing he will own would be from me :)
I got the things from next and their things are so cute, I might actually have to keep myself away, because even today when I went to get just 1 set I almost ended up buying 3. Will power saved me this time though :) :D
The sleepsuits were in a pack of 3 and were only 16 pounds for the whole lot. They are in the first size which means they should be ok for newborns (for3,5 kg/7 pounds), but me and D both think they look too big :D maybe for normal people they would look tiny. And the socks were £3, 1 pair has I love Mommy on it and the other pair I love Daddy. Now we just need to find a place to store all the things for him. Thinking about a chest of drawers, but we already have his/hers in the bedroom and not a lot room left. So might have to store the drawers in the second bedroom/Ds office and have the daily things we will use a lot on top of the shelf above his cot (which we haven't bought yet obviously)
I would also really like to agree on a name now, so I can start thinking of him by his name, but we just can't seem to come up with any, that both of us agree on and like.
Any suggestions??
Leo on hea nimi! Aga väike Humpy oleks ju ka tore =D