Good Evening, Everyone! :)
Hope you are all good. What a month it's been. I say that...I think everything has kind of settled down on the baby front and not much has really happened.
Oscars routine has changed a bit though and little changes come every day, I'm just always there with him when they happen, that they don't really seem that big to me at the time. Only looking back, it's when I see how much he has changes over the past month. This is why I'm so grateful to MYSELF, yes myself, that I have been keeping up with these monthly updates. I just can't see myself remembering all the little things unless I write them down, which I do. I think it's so important to remember all of his firsts. It's not the exact date I need to know though, I think knowing the month of when something happened is just as good.
I started thinking about it the other day actually. Would I care if there was a clay mould of my feet and hands from when I was little ???? No. Would I care if I didn't know when I started turning over or when I first had my spoon full of solid food? No.
To be honest I just love those moment my dad caught on camera when I was dancing away, listening to MTV when I was about 2 years old. That memory of when we went for a picnic by the river when I was about 5. That moment when we first saw our new apartment, the video shows me and my sister running from one end of the room to the seemed so big (the apartment was quite tiny).
I just think capturing every moment is completely unnecessary, it's the memories that we make ourselves, that are important.
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is, that with our first children I think it's so easy to get carried away with trying to capture every moment in their lives on camera or picture, rather than just enjoying the moment there and then.
Here are the memories I've made about Oscar this month though. I might have missed a few and I might make a big deal about something trivial, but that's ok, because I know that in the end I will always have this blog to come back to and read through all these first months of him, that I have probably forgotten about in a few years time :)
Hope you enjoy the post, as much as I've enjoyed another month with my little guy :)
Joggers and top from Tesco. The hat is from a set from h&m :) And dribble bib is Lovijoy...I got a set of 5 with different design for 10.95 :)
He still eats every 3 hours during the day, but I can see that he will be able to last longer quite soon, as he doesn't really get upset before I feed him...unless I've faffed about for too long :D
A major change in his diet is that I am now giving him 2 scoops of baby rice before he goes to bed. The first night I did it, he slept for a whole 8 hours then woke up for a feed at 4AM and didn't wake until 7. I didn't want to get too excited about the 1 feed a night thing as he has done it once before. It was quite cool though, and even though the next night he only lasted 6 hours, it's still better than feeding him 3 times a night :)
Yesterday he actually only woke up once for food. I did try to give him some at 6 AM, but he was just being fussy rather than hungry, so after settling him and taking him next to me, he slept for another 2 and a half hours :)
I did think about starting him on solids slowly after he turned 4 months old, but I will probably wait for a little longer and probably start around Christmas time with a spoonful on mashed sweet potato or carrot or smth :)
He now has a jumperoo, which he loves. He goes all crazy on it :D he is still a bit too short for it though, as we have to put a pillow under his feet. But I can see him reaching the floor all by himself in a short time. I took apart the swing that we had because he wasn't really interested in it. He still likes the rattle/crinkle/vibration toys and enjoys chewing on all of the toys he has :D
I turn around for a second and his wiggled himself sideways on the mat and is acting like nothings happened. Good thing I didn't look away for too long as I would've probably found him under the Christmas tree :D
He has a 30 minute nap after being awake for 2 hours all day, except around 2-3 PM when he goes down for a long 2 hour nap...this is when I get things done...bleached the whole bathroom yesterday :D and cleaned the flat and in the process broke our massive coffee/tv table :D
Like I mentioned before he now sleeps longer during the night and only eats 1-2 times. He does go down earlier as before though around 7.30. This is because he now doesn't have a nap after waking around 5PM after his long lunch time nap. He goes to sleep with little or no fussing after being awake for almost 3 hours.
One of the rare times when he actually looks happy being on his stomach :D 2 minutes later he faceplanted into his mat though and then he wasn't that happy anymore :D
So last month he started rolling over...he has since become very lazy and pretends he doesn't know how to do it anymore :D But every now and then he proves himself wrong and does indeed roll over...only when he really really wants to though. He is not really happy being on his stomach anyway.
On the theme of rolling over, he is actually very good at turning himself on his side now and is actually quite happy sleeping on his side for a good couple of hours. I am thinking he will very soon be able to roll on his stomach...I don't think he will like it though, because then he will have to get back on his back :D
He is also very vocal. He can babble away for a long's extremely amusing when he does it at night...:S :D
Another thing that is definitely happening now is teething. The drool and the chewing is non stop :D and his tops get so wet it's unbearable :D he is not a big fan of the dribble bibs though and even if he is ok with me putting them on, most of the time they just end up in his mouth.
Sitting on a high chair like a real boy :) he looked so cute in his big boy outfit. The hat is from Tesco, trousers from Next and denim shirt from Primark.
This is probably everything for this month.
Almost forgot...he had his last vaccinations yesterday, which means there is no more until he is 1 year old :) On a bad note though, he is now running a fever. I noticed he wasn't really himself when he woke up and didn't really eat. At first I didn't really think much of it, but then he didn't eat a lot at his next feeding as well and felt a bit hot. I took his temperarture and it showed 37.8...I know it's not much, but he is so tiny so there are lots of cuddles and hugs today and not much else :)
I was going to go and meet up with a few friends for some Christmas Market fun, but I don't really want to drag O around when he is not feeling 100%.
Happy 4 month birthday, little monkey :) I baked the biggest cake ever :D
Hope you enjoyed reading the post :)
Stay tuned by following the blog :)